Problems & Advice Made by Liu mingqin.


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Presentation transcript:

Problems & Advice Made by Liu mingqin

toothache headache cold/fever/sore throat /cough sore back stomachache

drink hot tea with honey go to see the doctor You should… take some medicine You can… drink more water You’d better… drink hot tea with honey Why don’t you… lie down and have a rest Why not… do more exercise …

How can I learn English well?

listen to tapes make flash cards make vocabulary lists read aloud read English magazines practice conversations with your partner ask the teacher for help study grammar …

I quarrelled with my best friend, what should I do?

say sorry to him talk with him write him a letter give a small present to him …

What should I wear? What present should I take?

If I were you, I would… How about…/What about… You’re supposed to …

Expressions of giving suggestions You should do.…/You shouldn’t do… You can do..... Why not do ...? / Why don’t you do....? What / How about doing...? You’d better do / not do .... You are supposed to do..... If I were you, I would…

teacher headaches do smoking exercise Take Name & Occupation(职业)      Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Name & Occupation(职业) Julia Martin __________ Symptoms(症状) She has a lot of ___________. Habits She smokes a lot and doesn’t _______ exercise Doctor’s advice 1.Stop __________.Don’t have any cigarettes at all. 2.Take________two or three times a week. Swim, run or play tennis. 3.______an aspirin(阿斯匹林) every morning. teacher headaches do smoking exercise Take

B A C C A 1.What is the writer mainly talking about? A. Friendship B. Children and parents C. Hobby 2.Why do parents have different opinions from children? A.They grew up at a different time. B. Their children don’t respect them. C. They want to protect their children. 3.What does the writer think of the problem? A. It is good. B. It is strange C. It is natural. 4.What example does the writer give to show that children think differently from parents? A. Diet B. Music C. Reading 5.What does the writer suggest? A. Children should make themselves trustable. B. Children should do whatever they like. C. Children should follow their parents. B A C C A

What’s the matter with you? 触摸中考: 1.你看到同学脸色不好,你会问他: _________________________________________________ 2.你要去City Hotel, 但不知道路, 你要如何问别人: _____________________________________________ 3.你的一个同学不知道如何才能学好英语,你会建议他: 4.你的英国朋友问你第一次跟中国人见面该做什么,你会 回答说:__________________________________________ 5. 你的朋友不知道该买什么给妈妈做生日礼物,你会如何 建议:_________________________________________ 6.你看到弟弟一直在吃巧克力,为了他的健康,你会建议 他:_____________________________________________ What’s the matter with you? Excuse me, how can I get to the City Hotel? Why don’t you ask the teacher for help? You are supposed to shake hands. If I were you, I would buy some flowers. You shouldn’t eat too much chocolate.

problems advice go to see the doctor… be ill can’t learn English well listen to tapes… quarrel with a friend say sorry to him… don’t know what to wear and what to take If I were you, I would…

Free talk: What problems do you have nowadays? Would you like to say it out and let your classmates help you?

Homework: Your friend Peter doesn’t get on well with his parents these days. He is upset. Please write a letter to comfort him and give some advice for him to get along better with his parents.

Thank you for listening. See you next time!