Reminders 9/22/17 Have a great break! Read something for pleasure!! Go to Barnes and Noble and pick out a book! I bet your parents would love to buy you a book to read! The Sunday before we return to school, take some time to review what we’ve read in Othello so far. Maybe even quiz yourself by trying to list what’s happened. Come ready to jump back into Othello for our thrilling and tragic end!
Analyzing Author’s Choices Film Clip: Fast and the Furious (2001) “Reading” Purpose: What do you notice? Strategy: See/hear/feel/believe How does the director manipulate time and why? See, hear, feel, believe
othello CEI Revise claim Identify evidence Read Act IV, Scene i
Sample claims to examine In the book Othello by William Shakespeare, the character Othello has dramatically developed over the course of the book. Iago is manipulative and deceives the other characters throughout the play to develop and accomplish his evil plan. Over the course of Acts I-III, Othello has become more trusting towards Iago and less peaceful-minded due to his jealousy. Iago is a purely evil man who wants destruction for everything he dislikes and through the play he continues to make this evidence with constant acts of evil.
More sample claims Iago is portrayed as a manipulative villain thus far in the play. Othello in the beginning is shown as a calm person who really loves Desdemona, and then is shown as impulsive, jealous and very aggressive. Othello develops gradually and then drastically at the end of scene 3. Iago has become greedy with wanting both lieutenant and taking down Othello.
Examples from other sources Iago acts as an agent of evil to manipulate other characters and reveal the nature of evil in humanity. Iago’s cruel plot for revenge against Othello shows how far a person will go in order to achieve what they believe is right. Iagos’ surreptitious and subtle cruelty fuels other characters to commit their own acts of cruelty which they may not have otherwise deemed possible. The rational and calm Othello collapses to become savage and irrational. Othello’s dramatic fall from revered, stately hero to raging monster suggests that evil can easily replace good when faced with unthinkable conditions. Othello’s transformation from rational and calm to savage and irrational illustrates the power of manipulation combined with the forces of jealousy.
Crafting a killer thesis (claim) statement It moves from the general to the specific It has insight It is original It answers the prompt Writing a good thesis statement is the result of two simple actions: understanding what the prompt is asking asking questions of yourself to develop insightful responses to the prompt
Drafting about Othello or iago 1. Write a claim (one sentence assertion to answer one of the questions below) and then 2. provide at least 2 pieces of evidence (specific lines) from the play to support your claim. Write interpretation for each piece of evidence. How does Iago develop over the course of the play thus far? OR How does Othello develop over the course of the play thus far? Cite lines – (ACT.scene.line#) (I.i.35-36)