CRITERIA STANDARD STRUCTURE CHARACTERIZATION TONE/VOICE STYLE The story/narrative is focused and appropriate. Introduction establishes the situation and setting in a clear and engaging way. Sequence of events logically progresses to a moment of outcome, resolution, and/or growth (reflection). Clear and consistent point of view. WHAT ABOUT SENTENCE STRUCTURE?? IS IT BORING TO READ? WHAT CAN THEY DO TO MAKE IT MORE INTERESTING/ENGAGING? CHARACTERIZATION Characterization is dynamic, developed, and believable. Dialogue is interesting, believable, and contributes to the development of the story/narrative. TONE/VOICE Uses precise words and phrases, telling details, sensory and figurative language to convey vivid imagery of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. Creates a strong and appropriate tone and sense of voice. DID THE WRITER USE THE IMAGERY WORDS FROM THE LIST?! STYLE Word choice is relevant and appropriate to the setting and characters, and avoids using clichés. Uses a variety of sentence structures, logical transitions, and coherent organization to maintain smooth sentence fluency. HOW MANY TIMES DID THE WRITER USE THE WORD SAID?? (Let them know how many times!) MECHANICS Thorough editing to show excellence in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and all other conventions. WRITING PROCESS Required length Typed, 12 point font, one inch margins, double-spaced. Evidence of drafts and prior editing.