Preach the Word 2 Tim. 4:1-5
“Having given his own life in service, and standing on the verge of offering it as a sacrifice, Paul sums up all his instructions to Timothy in this passage. In a short time he must die, and in Timothy he hoped for the continuation of the great work they had been doing together. All of the passion of the heart of this great preacher for the souls of men and for the kingdom of God is heard in this final charge and plea. A more solemn one was never delivered, a greater mantle of service was never handed to another and great obligations never imposed.” Roy Cogdill
Contextual Setting Timothy reminded to “stir up the gift…” 1:6 “Don’t be ashamed…” 1:8 Paul had suffered but was not ashamed for “I know whom I have believed…” 1:12 Thus, hold pattern of sound words 1:13 “Be strong in grace in Christ” 2:1 In that strength, teach others 2:2
Contextual Setting Be ready to suffer hardness 2:3-4, 9-13 Be diligent. 2:14-25 (In doing so…) Must flee some things Avoid some things “Charge” some Correct self-opposers
Contextual Setting In “perilous times”… Have to turn away from some folk Continue in things learned Remember the sufficiency of Scripture 3:1-17 Here, Paul gives this great charge—”preach the word”
Focus On the Text “I SOLEMNLY charge you…” NASB “Charge”— “to conjure or appeal by something sacred.” (Vincent) Solemnity underscored by “before…”, “judge…”, “appearing…” By his own expected soon departure. 4:7-8 Significance of the first expression.
Focus On the Text The charge: “preach the word” “Preach” – “to be a herald…to proclaim” A noble task Preach what? “the word” What he’d heard from Paul. 1:13; 3:14 What he was to commit to others. 2:2
Focus On the Text “Be instant” (ready) “in season…” “Convince, rebuke, exhort…” Reason for the charge: “Some will not endure sound doctrine” “Heap to themselves…” “Will turn away from the truth to fables” “But” Timothy you fulfill your ministry
Focus On the Text Requisites to the task: Will demand Can’t be timid. Cf. 1:7 Be unashamed and strong 1:8; 2:1 Willing to endure hardness 2:3 Will demand Diligence 2:15 Prepared for every good work 2:19-21 Instructing self-opposers 2:25-26 Going on w/o me…
Observations The need today… “preach the word” Preaching the word means… The word of His grace. Acts 20:32
A Few Observations “Preach the word, that is, ‘the word of God,’ the gospel of grace, the good news of his redeeming love, the truth recorded for us in the sacred Scriptures; this and not human speculations, is the great message which every herald of the cross is commissioned to proclaim.” Chas. Erdman
Observations Dignity and importance of preaching The need today… “preach the word” Preaching the word means… The word of His grace. Acts 20:32 Dignity and importance of preaching In doing so, seek God’s approval Gal. 1:10; I Thes. 4:1 Need to preach “just” the word because of its nature and what it is said to accomplish
Conclusion As was Paul’s charge to Timothy, those who would be preachers today should content themselves to “preach the word.”
“The Bible must be preached for it is the only source of spiritual light. Aside from it there is no light but all is darkness in the spiritual realm. No other book or message can tell us anything about God, Christ and His place in human redemption, the Holy Spirit, heaven, angels, eternal life, the divine origin of life, he nature of man’s soul, the destiny of the soul after death, sin, eternal punishment, the horrors of hell, or any related subject. Since the Bible is
The only textbook on man and his relation to God it follows that every lesson on such a subject must be drawn directly from the word of God”….. “God needs men today who are willing to preach all God has said and only what God has said.” Roy Cogdill