Web 2.0: Using Social Networking Tools to Support English Teaching Paul McMahon Learning Solutions Asia
Topics Why Web 2.0? An overview of 3 tools I consider essential for educators. Why I consider teachers should use these. Keeping kids safe in the online world. Deeper look at 3 tools including hands on. Review and questions.
Why Web 2.0? 2.0 as indicative of a new version Formerly like TV, now like telephone Huge explosion in content Everyone can now be an author Many mainstream schools have not yet caught on Many conventional business models under threat
Which 2.0 Tool do you want? http://www.go2web20.net/ Some of these allow you to do things you already do but online and maybe using a different purchasing model (quite often free) Others harness the power of social networking to offer more
Social Networking What is it? http://blip.tv/file/282928 Social Bookmarking Writing for the community (Blogging) Shared webspace development (Wiki)
Social Bookmarking What is it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x66lV7GOcNU Furl http://www.furl.net/ Nice layout. Common tagging is good. Connected to Looksmart search engine Delicious http://del.icio.us Create your own tags. Bit US centric. More popular with existing blogs. Time to sign up! Add me to your network!
Why Schools Can’t Ignore We are supposed to be using Bloom’s Taxonomy as a model Image copied from Flickr under Creative Commons Licensing
Why Schools Can’t Ignore We should be there for the kids, not their parents. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A-ZVCjfWf8 More and more of the universities are requiring these skills (and, in some cases, ignoring school assessments) http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/hs/home/home/index.htm If we are only “organising and delivering content” we are in trouble
Why Schools Can’t Ignore Schools are becoming too busy for staff to access traditional PD Schools in my mind are the best places to educate children about using the internet Image copied from Flickr under Creative Commons Licensing
This is self-educated internet use
School Internet Rules I will only use my first name I will never give out my email address I will never give out my home address I will never give out my telephone number I will respect others I will never use rude or threatening words I will not use text talk or chat language I will not copy other people’s work I will be responsible for everything I write I will check my spelling before posting
Why You Can’t Ignore You need to model learning for a Knowledge-based job in a flat world to students Do your students know how you learn? Image copied from Wikipedia under Creative Commons Licensing
Blogging Authentic Writing Comments can be shared with a group of your choosing or the world Blogs exist for about every subject you can imagine Many of your students probably have a blog Technorati is a great index/feed for blogs http://technorati.com/
Blog Examples http://coolcatteacher.blogspot.com/ also http://coolcatkid.blogspot.com/ http://namckeand.blogspot.com/2007/01/getting-my-students-blogging-again.html http://inpractice.edublogs.org/ http://www.petrterrss.eq.edu.au/home/mcrid2/67blog/ http://www.giangdaytructuyen.com/
Setting up an Edublog http://www.edublogs.org Come and post on my blog http://xpatasia.edublogs.org Designed for schools and teachers Ad free for educators Easier to link to others edublogs Supportive of school and teacher policies
Encouraging Readers Offer things of use to your students or other teachers It needs to be something you enjoy writing about Spread the word and encourage comments.
Wiki Commoncraft Wiki video http://blip.tv/file/246821 Shared space for notes/worksheets etc. Public or private Can access comments and page history Start by adding a page to my wiki http://lsa.wikispaces.com
Example Wikis http://englishplace.wetpaint.com http://elt.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page http://wiki.vec.hku.hk/index.php/Main_Page http://www.curriki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome http://educators.pbwiki.com/K-12+example+wikis
Setting up a wikispaces wiki Most wikis are set up the same way (concept is most important) Professional tutorial on PB wiki here Many blog postings about how to insert elements into wikis/blogs. http://www.wikispaces.org or get a teaching one http://www.wikispaces.com/site/for/teachers100K
Thank You Paul McMahon Learning Solutions Asia Email: pmc@learningsolutions.com.hk Phone: w81702808 m91705605 PowerPoint http://iclassroom.hkedcity.net/teacher/teacher979