Fantastic Living Things And Where To Find Them English Informative report on Fantastic Beasts in Tewkesbury. Poetry on the cycle of life. Persuasive article encouraging people to come to Tewkesbury. Story writing set in Medieval times. Science Investigating the life cycle and structure of plants. Investigating the life cycle of animals. Investigating the life cycle and developmental stages of human beings. Maths Identifying, measuring and drawing angles. Identifying the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Measuring and calculating area and perimeter. Converting between units of measurement. Music Composing, transcribing and performing songs that depict the life cycle of a living thing. French Reading and discussing where we live. Comparing places in France and Britain. Circle of life Year 5 Fantastic Living Things And Where To Find Them RE Investigating and describing how and why believers care for the world. Investigating and researching the birth of the Church of England. History/Geography Investigating human and physical features in Tewkesbury. Investigating and interpreting Medieval history in Tewkesbury. PE Developing field and track athletics skills. Choosing and combining techniques in game situations (rounders). PSHE Discussing how the body works and changes. Debating and discussing the purpose of democracy. Discussing how emotions and responsibilities change.