Zoroastrianism Monotheistic religion founded in Ancient Persia. 6th-7th century bce. Based on the ideas of the prophet Zarathustra. Greeks called him Zoroaster.
Beliefs of Zoroastrianism Monotheism - A single god (Ahura Mazda) is the creator of the universe. He is the source of all that is true and good.
Beliefs of Zoroastrianism 2) Mazda is engaged in a cosmic struggle against the forces of evil (embodied as a supernatural being called Mainyu)
Beliefs of Zoroastrianism 3) Mazda will win the battle with the help of a savior (messiah) who will restore the world to a condition of purity and peace.
Beliefs of Zoroastrianism 4) Judgment day will come. Those aligned with Mazda will achieve eternal life in paradise. Those opposed to Mazda will receive eternal punishment.
Influence of Zoroastrianism Never spread beyond Persia in a significant way. Had enormous influence on the development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.