SSWG Presentation on: Forestry Contributions to the RTIM Report (2017) 27th Sep 2017 SWG-ARD Meeting @ MAF
FSSWG meeting in 2017 1st: 24th Mar 2017 Main topics; Forest Policy and Forestry Law revision Boundary delineation of 3 forest categories Status on FLEGT and REDD+ 2nd: 30th Aug 2017 Main topics; New mandates and structure of DOF Progress in Management of Dry-dipterocarp Forest Project Status on REDD+ including FPIC process in HPN Province
Actions/activities relating to the RTM/RTIM recommendation /discussion points Progress 4.04: Promote agro-ecological practices (at national and regional level) such as organic farming, conservation agriculture and agro- forestry This is considered a potential intervention to address crop land expansion into forest area in draft National REDD+ Strategy (NRS) 4.06: Ensure Land Tenure Security This is considered a very important condition for forest protection in draft NRS
Actions/activities relating to the RTM/RTIM recommendation /discussion points Progress 9.1: Complete the forest law and its regulations Revision process is on-going and a final draft will be submitted to NA in Oct 2018 9.2: Improve enforcement of policies against illegal use of natural resources and wildlife trafficking This has been continuously addressed through implementation of PM Order 15 in May 2016 and its implementing regulations. In addition, negotiation with EU on Voluntary Partnership Agreement of FLEGT is also going on.
Actions/activities relating to the RTM/RTIM recommendation /discussion points Progress 9.7: Develop geographical map and master plan for managing, protecting, developing, and using land and natural resources Land/forest use maps for 2000,05,10 and 2015 are completed. 9.9: Support climate resilience, apply multi-sector approaches, engage private sector actors, maximize efficiency, include REDD+, National Determined Contribution and the Paris Agreement. REDD+ readiness preparation is on-going and Emission Reduction Program Document is being drafted for the Carbon Fund of Forest Carbon Partnership Facility administered by WB.
Land/Forest Area Change Matrix between 2005 and 2015 Deforestation (conversion); Permanent Agriculture, Upland Crop (pioneering shifting cultivation), infrastructure Forest Degradation; Regenerating vegetation (fallow and heavy wood extraction), Forest plantation
Substantive actions/activities; REDD+ Main elements of REDD+ and status at national level 1. NRS: Lao version to be completed by early Oct 2017. GOL endorsement expected in 2017. 2. Reference Emission Levels: Report to UNFCCCC to be submitted in early Jan 2018 3. National Forest Monitoring System for MRV: Design completed and data being stored. MRV timing not decided. 4. Safeguards Information System: Being prepared as Environment and Social Management Framework under FCPF/WB Preparation of Emission Reduction Program Document (ERPD) for Carbon Fund of FCPF 1. Target Area: 6 Northern Provinces 2. Target date of selection for ER Payment Agreement: CF Meeting in Jun 2018 (Draft submission in Jan 2018) 3. Main components of ERPD Drivers and underlying causes of deforestation and degradation Actions and interventions to address drivers and UC Assessment of land and resource tenure Stakeholder consultation and participation Operation and financing plan Safeguards Plan/Benefit Sharing Mechanism Reference level Approach for MRV Displacement and Reversal 4. Provincial REDD+ Action Plan (PRAP): being drafted in the 6 Provinces
Substantive actions/activities: REDD+ Opportunities Parallel preparation of NRS, REL for UNFCCC and ERPD maintains consistency and more efficient than separate preparation. Through preparation and implementation of NRS and ERPD/PRAP, human and institutional capacity development for sustainable forest management. Possible results based payment: Carbon Fund; up to $ 40 M, UNFCCC/GCF; ? Challenges Very tight schedule together with Ministerial restructuring and Forest Law revision Many activities are cross-sectoral from land use planning to agriculture and mining and need good coordination Limited financial resources for implementation of NRS and ERPD/PRAPs Scaling-up to the whole country