The Kite Runner Key incidents
First Key Incident- Hassan and the slingshot Hassan stands up for what's right Shows Amirs cowardliness Hassan would do anything for Amir Amir tries deny his friendship with Hassan
Key Incident- The alley way Hassan stands up for Amir to Assef again Assef rales Hassan but Hassan still stays loyal Amir Amir sees this but doesn't stop it, he runs (cowardliness) Shows Hassan will protect Amir no matter what
Rahim Kahns phone call Rahim Kahn tells Amir he can be happy again Gives Him a chance to redeem himself Amir accepts the 'challenge' and shows no cowardly behaviour Turning point for Amir
Amir stands up for Sohrab Amir comes face to face with Assef Stands up for Sohrab Redeeming himself for denying his friendship to Hassan Saves Sohrab Shows a change in Amir
Amir running the kite for Sohrab Amir sacrificed for Sohrab like Hassan always did for Amir "For you a thousand times over" Amir becomes the kite runner