Why did poverty persist in the us in an age of affluence? Two Americas Why did poverty persist in the us in an age of affluence?
Preview Warm Up Examine these two images. What is similar about the two images? What is different? What factors might explain why the lives of these two families are so different? Objective Explain why poverty persist in the United States in an age of affluence.
Reading 2012 2008 Read Section 1, Introduction, in your Student Text. Discuss these questions with a partner or as a class: In the years after World War II, what predictions did many government leaders and leading intellectuals make about poverty? What are the two Americas that Michael Harrington refers to in his book The Other America? 2004 2014
Defining Poverty Notes Pauperism – Dependence on public assistance Poverty Line – Income level to meet basic needs Working Poor – Employed people below the poverty line Past view of poverty – Considered a moral failure. Present view of poverty – Defined in terms of income. $11,770
An Invisible Class Notes In The Other America, Michael Harrington argued that the poor were “invisible” Poverty Rates 22.3 percent in poverty 1959 14.8 percent in poverty today 12.5 percent in poverty 2008 They were segregated away from the middle class. Lived and worked in different areas Looked much the same in dress. They also played no role in politics so easy to ignore.
Inner City Chicago, 1960 Activity Share your analysis of these maps, and your hypotheses as to why these groups were left behind, with the rest of the class.
Notes Urban Poverty Impoverished minorities became concentrated in decaying cities Minorities unofficial blocked from taking advantage of G.I. Bill so could not move to suburbs or go to college The Housing Act of 1949 launched urban renewal programs to clear out slums and build new housing. However, many of these housing projects became slums.
Activity Ohio , 1960 Share your analysis of these maps, and your hypotheses as to why these groups were left behind, with the rest of the class.
Notes Rural Poverty The growth of “big” agribusiness harmed many “small” farmers. Migrant workers on corporate farms were not paid enough to lift them out of poverty. Workers from Mexico once welcomed under Bracero program now target for deportation Appalachia, suffered from poor farming conditions and a declining coal industry.
Activity Arizona, 1960 Share your analysis of these maps, and your hypotheses as to why these groups were left behind, with the rest of the class.
American Indian policy Notes American Indian policy Termination Policy – Ending Federal aid to tribes, land protections and dividing up land Before, had responsibility for protecting their lands and providing them with economic aid and social services. The Voluntary Relocation Program helped Indians move to cities With no support, many had trouble adapting to urban life.
People in back notice privlage and complain while people in front dont
Article And things started making a little more sense to me. All this anger we see from people screaming “All Lives Matter” in response to black protesters at rallies. All this anger we see from people insisting that their “religious freedom” is being infringed because a gay couple wants to get married. All these people angry about immigrants, angry about Muslims, angry about “Happy Holidays,” angry about not being able to say bigoted things without being called a bigot.
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