Job Performance Requirement 16-6 Cradle CarryVictim Presented Headfirst
A The exterior rescuer on the ladder will be positioned at or below the windowsill, ready to receive the victim headfirst with the victim’s head off to one side or the other. This allows the remaining portion of the victim’s torso and legs to come across the ladder horizontally with the back facing the rescuer on the ladder.
B The rescuer on the ladder will position the victim by placing one forearm and hand underneath the victim’s armpit in order to hold the weight of the upper torso and grasp the beam of the ladder while the other arm is placed under the top leg into the groin area of the victim. This will help to hold the weight of the victim’s pelvic area and lower extremities. JPR 16-6B
C The rescuer will descend the ladder grasping the rails while leaning inward to control the victim until they reach the base of the ladder, and the rescuer is assisted by additional firefighters in moving the downed victim to waiting EMS personnel. JPR 16-6C