Journalism 2300: News Photography Week Four February 18, 2013
Announcements Announcements Extra Credit: Extra Credit:
Words matter!
And more!
Upcoming major assignments I.Major Assignment I: Features Photograph * Due TODAY II.Major Assignment II: Portraits/Personality * Due 6 pm on Monday, March 4 III.Major Assignment III: Winter Events * Due 6 pm on Monday, March 25 IV.Major Assignment IV: Sports * Due 6 pm on Monday, April 1 V.Major Assignment V: Weather * Due 6 pm on Monday, April 8 VI.Major Assignment VI: Spot News * Due 6 pm on Monday, April 15
Extra Credit Photojournalist Profile: Due March 25 Photojournalist Profile: Due March 25
To be a better photographer…
…you need to take a lot of photos!
Carry your camera with you!
The week in pictures MSNBC: MSNBC: – Duluth News Tribune Duluth News Tribune – otogalleries/tag/photo%20galleries/ otogalleries/tag/photo%20galleries/ otogalleries/tag/photo%20galleries/
Lets look at your photos Overall excellent variety of shots! Overall excellent variety of shots! Some of you had tough lighting to overcome Some of you had tough lighting to overcome Learning more about exposure and compensating for poor light Learning more about exposure and compensating for poor light Bracket, bracket, bracket! Bracket, bracket, bracket! Need to answer 5Ws and H in caption Need to answer 5Ws and H in caption Get familiar with Associated Press Stylebook! Get familiar with Associated Press Stylebook!
Need to share ALL of your photos in your Picasa album Contact sheet of photos Contact sheet of photos Shows me that you have taken a variety of photographs from different angles, with different exposures Shows me that you have taken a variety of photographs from different angles, with different exposures /Feb112013DiningCenterOCA?n oredirect= /Feb112013DiningCenterOCA?n oredirect=1
Lets practice cropping Go to Photo #6 and download Go to Photo #6 and download
Lets look at all of the photos: Most artistic Most artistic Best fulfills the assignment Best fulfills the assignment Strongest caption Strongest caption
Equivalent f-stops/shutter speed It's a simple 1:1 relationship. One f-stop change = one shutter speed change.
Exposure concepts
Shutter speeds expose/speeds1.html expose/speeds1.html
Macro photography=Closeups tips-for-compact-digital-camera-users
How to hold your camera hold-a-digital-camera hold-a-digital-camera
Expressions of motion hytips/expressing_motion_sports_photogr aphy.htm hytips/expressing_motion_sports_photogr aphy.htm
Whats a caption? See page 150 Who: Who: –Need names or detailed description –Need last names What: What: –Whats happening in photo When: When: –Time element important Day of week, time of day Day of week, time of day Where: Where: –Location Why: Why: –Importance of shot How: How: –Explanations as needed
Chapter 7: Photo Editing Eye-Trac Research: Eye-Trac Research: –¾ of a second spent looking at a photograph! Imaginative Assignments Imaginative Assignments –Go beyond the news release –Nursing home example Select the strongest photographer Select the strongest photographer –Look at other photographers work for ideas
What does it take to be a photo editor? Research, research, research! Research, research, research! Camera skills not necessary Camera skills not necessary Day in Pictures: Day in Pictures: –San Francisco Chronicle Web site –
Photo-selection strategies Tough to be own photo editor Tough to be own photo editor –Too close to subject Washington Post Hierarchy: P. 130 Washington Post Hierarchy: P. 130 –Informational –Graphic –Emotional –Intimate Combine categories for strong images Combine categories for strong images
What readers dont see Whole population segments often ignored Whole population segments often ignored Inciting violence or informing the public? Inciting violence or informing the public?
What do readers prefer? Not easily defined Not easily defined Liking photo different than being interested Liking photo different than being interested Victim photos Victim photos
Chapter 6: Sports Concentration the key Concentration the key –Easy to get distracted! –Anticipate the action Timeliness important Timeliness important –Old news = no news –Important to get background information on sport youre covering
Barry Bonds: Brad Mangin, SI x.php#mi=2&pt=1&pi=10000&s=0&p=3& a=0&at=0 x.php#mi=2&pt=1&pi=10000&s=0&p=3& a=0&at=0 x.php#mi=2&pt=1&pi=10000&s=0&p=3& a=0&at=0 x.php#mi=2&pt=1&pi=10000&s=0&p=3& a=0&at=0
Summarize game in one photo Stay until the end of the game Stay until the end of the game Summary shot might not be action shot Summary shot might not be action shot Crowd reaction Crowd reaction Coach reaction Coach reaction Thrill of victory, agony of defeat… Thrill of victory, agony of defeat…
Need complete caption information Must know names of athletes photographed Must know names of athletes photographed Editing nightmare: having excellent action shot, but no name Editing nightmare: having excellent action shot, but no name Take a photograph of the game roster Take a photograph of the game roster –To get names with the numbers
Sports as features Entertainment factor Entertainment factor Look in the stands for photos that capture flavor of the event Look in the stands for photos that capture flavor of the event
Sports photography techniques Freezing action Freezing action –Shutter speed of at least 1/500 second for action sports –Lets look at your cameras! –Speed of subject: sprinter vs. jogger - Coming straight at you, or on side –Distance - The closer that the camera is to moving subject, faster the shutter speed
Shutter: 1/200 Aperture: f/5.20 Focal length: 115 ISO 50 No flash
ISO 800 Shutter: 1/250 second Aperture: f/5.60 No flash Focal length 300
ISO: 800 Shutter: 1/180 second Aperture: f/5.6 Focal length: 105 No flash
ISO: 400 Shutter: 1/750 Aperture: f/4.80 Focal length: 129 No flash
ISO: 400 Shutter: 1/1000 second Aperture: f/4.50 Focal length: 120 No flash
ISO: 800 Shutter: 1/350 second Aperture: f/4.80 Focal length: 82 No flash
ISO: 400 Shutter: 1/500 second Aperture: f/5.60 Focal length: 105 No flash
Shutter: 1/50 second Aperture: f/5.60 Focal length: 82 No flash
Shutter: 1/60 Aperture: f/4.20 Focal length: 78 No flash
Peak action Look for momentary pause in action Look for momentary pause in action Shutter: 1/100 second Shutter: 1/100 second Aperture: f/4.80 Aperture: f/4.80 Focal length: 255 No flash Focal length: 255 No flash
Panning Slow shutter speed, move camera to follow the action Slow shutter speed, move camera to follow the action Try: Shutter of 1/15, small aperture Try: Shutter of 1/15, small aperture Background will blur Background will blur
ISO: 200 Shutter: 1/15 second Aperture: f/22 No flash Focal length: 48 mm
Getting sharp images Bracket! Need a lot of exposures to get sharp sports images Bracket! Need a lot of exposures to get sharp sports images Use autofocus Use autofocus Select the autofocus point to capture the action Select the autofocus point to capture the action –Center usually safest
Bag of solutions DSLR Tips: DSLR Tips: –Use a long telephoto –Teleconverter –Zoom lenzes –Monopod/tripod –Rain gear –Wireless remotes
Sports tips for DSLR
Reaction Time Anticipating the action Anticipating the action –If wait until crack of bat, youre too late Press the shutter release halfway down Press the shutter release halfway down
Basketball strategies Stake a position Stake a position –Dont try to cover entire court No flash! No flash! Watch the key players, then anticipate where they will be on the court Watch the key players, then anticipate where they will be on the court Look for emotional shot Look for emotional shot Difficult to stop action, but keep trying! Difficult to stop action, but keep trying! How Sports Illustrated works: p. 123 How Sports Illustrated works: p. 123
Hockey tips Lighting a challenge indoors Lighting a challenge indoors Focus on key player, follow them Focus on key player, follow them Focus on the puck – tough to follow! Focus on the puck – tough to follow! Prefocus on an area in front of the goal and wait! Prefocus on an area in front of the goal and wait! Avoid going behind goal – will just see goalies head Avoid going behind goal – will just see goalies head Move around for different angles Move around for different angles With DSLR, shoot through the glass With DSLR, shoot through the glass
Shutter: 1/60 second Aperture: f/4.20 Focal length: 168 No flash
Shutter: 1/60 second Aperture: f/4.20 Focal length: 105 No flash
Indoor sports photography photography#more-3754
More tips for sports photography
And even more sports tips! photography-tips-and-tricks/ photography-tips-and-tricks/
Chapter 17: History The Daily Graphic: The Daily Graphic: –First illustrated daily newspaper Difficult process Difficult process –5 by 7 inch plates –Cumbersome equipment –Days to develop –Artists drew replicas! 62
Evolution of printing process Halftone screens – –Ordered dot pattern, held against screen – –First halftone in Canadian Illustrated News, 1871 Full-bleed photographs by 1900 First photograph on front page of New York Times in 1910 Skeptics questioned power of photographs 63
Jimmy Hare Born in London, came to U.S. in 1889 Freelance photographer from for Illustrated American After leaving, went on to photograph battleship Maine explosion Covered Spanish-American war First flight at Kitty Hawk 64
Women enter field Frances Benjamin Johnston – –Documented early educational methods in schools – –Bain News Service in Washington, D.C. 65
National Geographic First issue in 1888: No photographs 1903: Ran first halftone 1905: First photo spread unbroken by text 66
Photographers as reformers Jacob Riis/Lewis Hine – –Exposed slum conditions for immigrants – –Led to child labor laws Immigrants could understand photographs published in tabloids 67
Weegee: King of crime photographers Arthur Fellig Police radio, lived near police station New York City was his working space, night was his time, and violence was his specialty 68
Lets look at the book… 69
Photography lingo Shoot: take photos Shoot: take photos Sharp photo: in focus Sharp photo: in focus Soft: out of focus; not sharp Soft: out of focus; not sharp Flat light: Even, with no highlights Flat light: Even, with no highlights Bracket: Take several shots of same scene at different exposures Bracket: Take several shots of same scene at different exposures Shoot a lot of frames! Shoot a lot of frames! –Take a lot of photos – memory cards are cheap!
In Class Assignment Go to the Recreational Sports area and practice stopping action Go to the Recreational Sports area and practice stopping action Work in teams, with others who have similar types of camera Work in teams, with others who have similar types of camera Come back, download photos, and upload to my Picasaweb page Come back, download photos, and upload to my Picasaweb page
In-class assignment Get in your groups from last week Get in your groups from last week Review all of the photographs Review all of the photographs Decide on top four photographs Decide on top four photographs Write captions Write captions
Picasa 3: Editing, selecting photos Set up Google Account: Set up Google Account: Go to: Go to: Download Picasa 3 Download Picasa 3 Upload photographs Upload photographs Under File menu, select New Album Under File menu, select New Album Type in Date/name of assignment Type in Date/name of assignment Select photos, drag to the album you created Select photos, drag to the album you created Edit photos, put the final photo selection first in album Edit photos, put the final photo selection first in album Select the final photo, and write cutline where it says: Write a caption! Select the final photo, and write cutline where it says: Write a caption! NOTE: Add full name to the end of the caption NOTE: Add full name to the end of the caption
Sharing album with me Select the album you want to share Select the album you want to share Click on the Share button on upper right side of the album screen Click on the Share button on upper right side of the album screen Sign in to your Google account Sign in to your Google account In the Share Photos screen, in the To: box type In the Share Photos screen, in the To: box type