Aristotle's Poetics
Aristotle 384-322 BC Greek Philosopher and Scientist Alexander the Great’s personal teacher Wrote about a lot of things Biology Government Theatre
Aristotle’s Poetics Discussed 6 things that made a good play, put them in order of importance.
Plot Do the events make sense? Are the events in the story causing one another? Does the climax include a change of fortune?
Character Is the character recognizable? Do we want to root for these characters? Can the audience connect to these characters
Thought What is the character thinking at this point in the play? Does what the character thinks make sense with the plot? With their character?
Speech Are the words in the play readable? Do they make sense? Do the words make sense with the character and the situation? (Do you capture the character’s “voice?” Does the character adequately express themselves? And what they are thinking?
Music Does the music contribute to the story? What does the music say?
Spectacle Is the play interesting to look at? Does the spectacle increase the emotional impact of the play? Is the spectacle doable?
Plot Character Thought Speech Music Spectacle