GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Facilities Management Division PROOF-NM Project (Process Re-engineering & Optimization of Operations & Maintenance Functions ) (Formerly CAMPS-NM Phase II Project) Project Closeout July 25, 2018
FMD MISSION & Performance Measures “To ensure that the citizens of New Mexico and state agencies receive the best value in design, construction and management of state-owned and leased facilities. To provide clean, safe, energy-efficient work environments for our employees and customers and to support the sustainability, energy efficiency, and capital improvement of state facilities.” Performance Measure : Maximize percent of work orders completed on time Reduced cost of maintaining state facilities Enhance Work Order backlog management Improve inventory management (i.e., supplies, materials) Visibility into total cost of maintenance
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Steering Committee Structure
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Appropriation History Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants) Fiscal Year Amount Funding Source FY2016 $1,960,200.00 52nd Legislature, 2nd Session, Laws 2016, Ch. 11 Sec. 7 (8) , Fund 28600
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Certification History Cert. Date Cert. Amount Funding Source(s) – Funding Total Amount (Cite the specific laws, grants, etc. and total amount.) 04/27/2016 (Initiation/Planning) $181,558.92 Laws 2016, Ch. 11, Sec. 7 (8) 07/27/2016 (Implementation) $1,663,717.18 June 28, 2017 (Update) $0.00 NA August 23, 2017 (Change) 11/21/2016 $70,000.00 Total $1,915,276.10
Actual Project Cost (do not include maintenance and operations Actual Project Cost (do not include maintenance and operations.) PROOF-NM PHASEII & PHASE II-B Comments: Actual Project costs ($1,891,471.00) are less than Appropriation ($1,960,200.00), Total Contract Values ($1,919,580.43) and Approved certified Fund Requests ($1,915,276.10) because the project completed ahead of Original schedule which was slated for mid April allowing Project Manager to Roll off of Project resulting in cost savings Description FY16* FY17 FY18 FY19 Total Project Management Services ATA P/S $48,884.55 $298,758.05 $225,621.72 $0.00 $573,264.32 Business Analysis Services N/A Implementation Services AssetWorks P/S $36,807.60 $643,023.26 $508,326.24 $1,188,157.10 Other Services Contractor P/S Testing $526.06 IV&V RESPEC P/S $39,061.75 $37,881.31 $76,943.06 Hardware iPAD Otter Cases, Carry Straps, Charging Station, Binders $2,856.21 $2,060.46 $4,916.67 Software FiRE Mobility Software Licenses $22,243.09 $25,420.70 $47,663.79 Internal Staff (Only include staff charged to project funds.) Total: $85,692.15 $1,005,942.36 $799,836.49 $1,891,471.00
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Project Objectives Deployment of the AiM O&M modules supports New Mexico, GSD and FMD objectives: Link Work History to a Serialized Asset Provide Complete & Current View of Warehouse Inventory & Cost Provide Electronic Work Dispatch & Submittal of Work Performed Standardize IPR Process Across FMD Define Data Standards and processes in support of location identification Define Methodology for Location Data Collection AiM O&M is being used across FMD to improve customer service through improved work planning and scheduling, application of best practice warehouse management, and deployment of mobile devices.
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Project Accomplishments Inventory – enabled cost allocation to individual work order/asset/building Purchasing – enabled automation of the IPR process and review & approval FiRE for O&M – enabled electronic dispatch and reporting Customer Request – Implemented problem codes; Risk Management/Safety Tracking Work Management – 5.5% decrease in turnaround in Q1, 3% decrease in Q2 Asset Management – added categories for better tool and IT equipment tracking Expanded Interface with SHARE (Paid Invoices and Payment Applications Query upload to AiM on a scheduled basis) to Include O&M 27 Standard Operating Procedures developed, approved and implemented KPI’s – Designed 7 Key Performance Indicator Reports Project Scope - Completed ahead of schedule and under budget
PROOF-NM Phase II Schedule
PROOF-NM Phase II-B Schedule
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Project IV&V Contracted with RESPEC to provide IV&V during PROOF-NM Phase II and II-B RESPEC recommendations were implemented All RESPEC Status Reports indicated GREEN for the following reported areas: Requirements Analysis & Management State Oversight Configuration Management Closeout Report received on April 15, 2018 – Overall Project status reported as GREEN – sound Project Management, good collaboration from project team, successful business re-engineering and development of standard operating procedures, successful implementation
Operations & Maintenance Bureau Continued Activities Location data collection for Central Campus Continue to Develop, test and implement six (6) remaining KPI Reports that were identified as lower priority by FMD Management FMD - (PROOF) KPI Capital Project Cost Performance Report UAT FMD - (PROOF) KPI Custodial Supply Cost per Square Foot FMD - (PROOF) KPI Invoice Processing Time In Design FMD - (PROOF) KPI Procurement Cycle Time FMD - (PROOF) KPI Wrench Time Pending FMD - (PROOF) KPI Inventory Accuracy
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Project Lessons Learned Activity Recommendation for Improvement The Project Team worked with leadership during the initial planning to outline Leadership’s Vision prior to the Design Phase. > With the project goals and objectives defined, conduct working sessions with leadership prior to the Design Phase to establish vision and scope boundaries. > Review at the beginning of Design Sessions to control scope creep and to ensure that discussions remain focused and true to Leadership’s Vision. Leadership Adoption > Include all levels of leadership in the initiation of the project, and meet with leadership one on one if necessary to ensure that you leadership adoption during initiation and planning. Prepare Business Earlier > As soon as the project has been approved, begin preparing the business (12 - 18 months if possible) in advance of the project. Simplify the designs wherever possible > In Design Sessions facilitators and leadership should stress future state focus, with a goal of achieving best practice. Fit for Purpose training materials > Conduct adequate process training to convey the “who”, “what”, “when”, and “why” of the new processes. Conduct separate, targeted application training to convey the “how”. Device and Application Management > For large deployments of mobile technology, implement mobile device management and mobile application management software prior to issuing the mobile devices themselves.
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Project Closeout Requesting Approval for PROOF-NM Project Closeout Thank You