“The Way Teenager’s Live”


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Presentation transcript:

“The Way Teenager’s Live”

“The Way Teenager’s Live” I want to talk about «The Way Teenagers Live». There are several ways of life: healthy life and destroying live. I think it is interesting to be young. It is a very important period of the life. Many people think that teenagers’ possibilities are limited. But I don’t think so. A lot of ways are opened to them. Each teenager must form his life himself. Only you can choose your future profession and other important things in your life.

I think that the main aim of modern teenagers is getting the good grades at school. Now a lot of dangers threaten teenagers. Alcohol, drugs, smoking and many other things can exert influence not only on their health and on their relatives’ health as well. I think that the best way to spend free time is to go in for sport. Sport is the useful alternative to bad habits. One more important side of teenagers’ life is communication with friends. It can help to relax after work or study. So it is easy to be young. If teenager believes in it then it becomes true

-What teenager’s problems there are now? - Today it is fashionable to speak about teenage problems. A few years ago alcohol, fights? Killings and other kind of violence were more problems for adults than for young people.

-How do you think all teen’s are subject of this problem? -I don’t think so. Many teen’s can solve with this problems. Their parents should help them. But a lot of teenagers say that their parents let them do anything they want and are quite indifferent to their problems. - Yes? And many teenagers get upset or depressed when they can’t solve their problems. As a result, it makes them believe that there is only one way out – to stop living and commit suicide.

- What you know about date? - Young people often start meeting someone of opposite sex around the age of 14. Teenagers generally date people of their age, although girls sometimes date boys two or three years older then they are. What you know about date? How much does it cost to go on a date? Who is supposed to pay for entertainment when dating? - Dating is often very expansive. A couple on a date may go to the moves and have a snack afterwards. The boy and girl often share expanses. Sometimes, however, one person pays for both people.

Wipe away that unhappy frown, People who are different, And remember there’s no need to frown When you’re feeling down. So when you’re feeling low Life is full of ups an down Think of those with nowhere to go.