American Revolution Project
What is the Project? You will complete a project in which you will research an individual from the Revolutionary Time Period. Students will be given a historical figure, and will complete research and construct a facebook page as if you are that historical figure Students will receive a facebook template to help with the process
What To Include Each Facebook page will include 3 sections: Wall, Info, and Pictures Wall: On the Wall page students will makes posts that are historically accurate and all regarding the Road to the Revolution and the Revolution itself
What To Include Info: Info to be included is Basic Information, Personal Information, and Contact Information Basic Information: Sex Birthday Place of Birth Relationship Status Children: ProfessionPolitical Affiliation (Loyalist, Rebel, Neither):
What To Include Personal Information: Interests & Hobbies Favorite Books: Interesting Thing About Me Contact:
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Historical Figures William Allen King George William Frederick Count Casimir Pulaski Ethan Allen Simon Girty Mercy Otis Warren Benedict Arnold Thomas Hutchinson Sybill Ludington John Andre John Paul Jones Nancy hart John Askin Margaret Catharine Moore Prince Hall William Augustus Bowles John Glover Thomas Pain Joseph Brant James Armistead William Prescott John Dickinson James Forten Lord Charles Cornwallis Mary Draper Deborah Sampson Benjamin Franklin Francis Marion Marquis de Lafayette William Franklin