extremophiles and spider webs: adventures in genomics Betsey Dexter Dyer Mark D. LeBlanc Wheaton College (Norton, MA)
Iteration of team-taught “DNA” course Percent women enrolled Percent of A grades [90-100] earned by women initial time 57% (N=14) 71% (5 of 7) second time 50% (N=10) 100% (3 of 3) (Fall 2007) 63% (N=16) Margolis and Fisher (2002) in “Unlocking the Clubhouse As a comparison, enrollment in computer science courses at Wheaton average about 10-20% women.
research teaching
You have some creative questions … You like tinkering … You (like an old-time explorer) are adventurous … .
methods (in silico) (0) wget_bash/wget -r -nv --accept "*.ptt,*.fna" -P genome_data "ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes/Bacteria/" my $add_org_sql = "INSERT INTO organisms (genus, species, strain, ncbi_directory) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; (2) $motifCounts{$nextMotif }++; (3) fit4 <- rpart(tempHyper ~ . , data=newpct4mer, method="class",control=rpart.control)
… … … … …
. . .
References Chargaff, E. 1963. Essays on Nucleic Acids. Elsevier, New York, NY. Dyer, B.D., Kahn, M.J., and LeBlanc, M.D. (2007). Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analyses of genomic signatures reveal sets of tetramers that discriminate temperature optima of Archaea and Bacteria. Archaea, v2(3). LeBlanc, M.D. and Dyer, B.D. (2007). Perl for Exploring DNA. Oxford University Press. Paydarfar, D. and Schwartz, W.J. (2001). Science 6 April 2001: Vol. 292. no. 5514, p. 13.