Academic Completion Plan (ACP) Training Updated Fall 2016
How Does an Academic Plan Help the Student? Documents student’s goals Helps student with path to reach goals Promotes student taking responsibility for their own educational planning Creates common experience for student Documents “to-do” list for student upon leaving advising appointment
Helping the Student (cont) Helps student populate My Planner and PS Shopping Cart for future registration Documents referrals to services, advisors Provides a document for future reference (hard copy and email) Makes their advising appointments more productive, improving CLC experience Could shorten time to completion
How Does an ACP Help CLC? Improves advising efficiency and accuracy by sharing plan between advisors Allows programs to create “templates” or “pathways” to be used as a starting point for advising Increases and improves communication between faculty advisors, counselors, coaches, and advising staff Documents CLC’s advice to student.
What Is an Academic Plan? A fillable PDF form Stored on the P: Drive Information about student Information about advisor Course by course plan by semester Action plan Notes Revision history
Steps to Create Academic Plan If new student: Create a folder to contain all versions of ACP for that student Open blank template “Save-as” with correct filename in student’s folder: e.g. If a student already has an ACP: Search by name or ID in P: drive “Save-as” with new date to create new version
Filling in the Plan The “Academic Plan” = name of the program e.g. A.S. or “Accounting A.A.S.” The “Plan Code” = 4 digit code for program, e.g. 11AB for A.S., 22AA for Accounting A.A.S. The “Sub-Plan” is the area of study declared for AA, AS degrees e.g. Philosophy or Math. Full list in P:Drive
Filling in the Plan (cont) Advisor = CLC faculty or staff the student identifies as their advisor. If none, leave as their NSO advisor. Student Goals fill in based on interview with student Choose the catalog year the year the student starts, or the year the student intends to use when petitioning for graduation
Filling in the Plan (cont) Course by Course Plan Indicate term using drop down menu Can add courses already completed Indicate course w/ name if known e.g. MTH 122 – College Alg. Add number of credits for each course Credits add by term and the total displays at the top next to catalog year.
Filling in the Plan (cont) Action Plan = steps the student needs to take that have been discussed. e.g. Take placement test Research transfer schools See a counselor or department chair Apply for financial aid Go to CPS for help with resume More…..update as needed based on your meeting
Filling in the Plan (cont) Notes = miscellaneous space as needed. Test scores - AP scores Previous credit Unique situations, goals, observations, etc. to be shared with the student Revision – be sure to update to document the various versions of the plan. Put your name as “name of the advisor”
Completing the ACP Save Print and give to student Email to student and other advisors as needed using “Email Academic Plan” button at the top In PeopleSoft Add Advising Notes – still needed but referring to ACP to shorten them is OK Add “ACP” service indicator
Creating Templates For a program you chair or work with Create desired sequence of courses Save as a template in the P: drive Templates folder Communicate to Advisors and Counselors Keep it up to date!
Tips Using templates shortens the time to create a new plan Still need to create PS Notes – but refer to ACP instead of listing all the courses e.g. “Refer to ACP created on 7/27/26”
For More Information To permission to access P: drive ACP folder – see Christine Lewis (or Lisa Hollenbeck during Christine’s maternity leave) in Advising Tutorials and guides on P: drive