Team Huddle Walk around the room while I play music. When I stop the music, I will tell you to get into a group of a certain number. (Each time we will group with different people.) I will ask you a question. Each member then says their first name and quickly answers. (Everyone in your group must answer.) When the music starts again, start walking!
Get Ready . . . WALK
STOP What is your favorite TV show? Get in groups of 5 Answer this question: What is your favorite TV show?
STOP What is the best thing you did this summer? Get in groups of 4 Answer this question: What is the best thing you did this summer?
STOP What do you think you will like most about sixth grade? Get in groups of 3 Answer this question: What do you think you will like most about sixth grade?
STOP What are you most worried about in sixth grade? Get in groups of 2 Answer this question: What are you most worried about in sixth grade?
STOP In what ways do you think AVID will help you this year? Get in a new group of 2 Answer this question: In what ways do you think AVID will help you this year?
Thank your partner and go back to your seat!