Critical Issues for Team Consideration PLC Critical Issues for Team Consideration
GOALS Re-visit Tight and Loose Expectations Review a portion of the John Hattie Research and the connection to our PLC work Share Intervention Ideas from another Middle School Reflect on Critical Considerations of a team and create action steps for lowest group rating Dufour Reading
Re-visit commitments Tight PLC Commitments Loose PLC Commitments Rotate PLC lead and recording responsibilities. Hold each other accountable to team norms. Deconstruct standards into learning targets. Give a weekly CFA Collect and Analyze data from the CFA Use data for in-class interventions and extensions. Focus on Best Practices Stay on pace with each other (within reason). Strategies and methods for instruction Types of formative assessments given each week Tool utilized for discussing weekly data Types and format of daily and weekly intervention and enrichment strategies. Grading of Assessments as a PLC
John Hattie Work Self-reporting of grades (1.44) Providing formative evaluation (.90) assessment of learning before or during the learning process. Teacher Clarity (.75) Feedback (.75)-praise vs. feedback & task, process, self-regulation
John Hattie Work Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning The Politics of Collaboration:
Intervention Ideas From Another Middle School Swap Days “All students are our students” Work as a team with other teachers during their planning Intervention period dedicated to instructing prior years critical material.
Critical Issues for Team Consideration Individually rate your team on each of the 18 statements.
Critical Issues for Team Consideration Determine consensus on the highest rated areas of your PLC. What habits have you created to ensure these are high areas? Determine consensus on the lowest rated areas of your PLC. Identify the lowest area that your team feels will have the most positive impact on your PLC.
Exit Create an action plan for the PLC determined lowest area. When? How often? Who is responsible? Why is this important to improving our PLC?