How Do We Improve the Learning and Outcomes of our Students? Looking Ahead to 2017-2018 How Do We Improve the Learning and Outcomes of our Students?
Mr. beasley calls us into a meeting and says…”the results are clear Mr. beasley calls us into a meeting and says…”the results are clear. We have to drastically increase the achievement of students with disabilities. What should we do?”
We provide great instruction! 88% of our students with disabilities spend 80% of their school day in the general education classroom Another 7% of our students spend at least 40% of their school day in the classroom If we are going to increase achievement of students with disabilities, we must improve instruction in every classroom, for every student---everyday!
Hmmmmmm… According to research, as many as 85% of special education students can master general education content with the right supports That equates to 182/214 of Alleghany County School students
So...what does great instruction look like?
Guided by performance standards Rigorous with Research-based practices Engaging and exciting Assessed continually to guide further instruction Tailored in flexible groups (Differentiation)
Rigorous with research based practices Peer Tutoring Project Based Learning Promoting student metacognition Developing high expectations for each student Providing clear and effective learning feedback Setting goals or objectives
Engaging and exciting “Productive” conversations Makerspace Project Based Learning Think-Pair-Share Kahoot Make connections to what students know
Assessed continually to guide further instruction Thumbs up-Thumbs Down Think-Pair-Share Exit Ticket Response Cards Quick Writes
Formative assessment and feedback
Tailored in flexible groups (differentiation)
Formative assessment drives differentiation Formative assessment drives differentiation. Sooooo…should teachers really plan a week ahead?
If we asked 100 teachers what great instruction looks like, how many answers do you think we would get? But would the answers…...
Include Student Engagement? Include Implementation in Every Classroom? Reflect Shared Values? Include Student Engagement? Include Implementation in Every Classroom?
Core instruction Core instructional practices are crucial to student outcomes. Without this solid instruction ALL students academic achievement will suffer. No matter how powerful, tiered interventions or specially designed instruction are, they can never make up for ineffective universal instruction.
What is specially designed instruction?
How effective are these elements ? “Accomplishing the maximum impact on student learning depends on teams of teachers working together, with excellent leaders or coaches, agreeing on worthwhile outcomes, setting high expectations, knowing the students’ starting and desired success in learning, seeking evidence continually about their impact on all students, modifying their teaching in light of this evaluation, and joining in the success of truly making a difference to student outcomes.” ― John A.C. Hattie, Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning
WORTHWHILE NOT WORTHWHILE Self-Reported Grades-1.33 MTSS-1.1 Feedback-.70 Formative Assessments-.70 Repeated Reading Programs-.60 Teacher/Student Relationships-.52 Meta-Cognitive Strategies-.50 NOT WORTHWHILE Homework-.29 Teaching Test Taking-.27 Programmed Instruction-.23 Individualized Instruction-.23 Class Size-.21 Teacher Subject Matter Knowledge-.10 Retention…-.17