Vocabulary for Early World Civilizations Domain 4
Definition: To exchange goods trade Definition: To exchange goods Sentence: The people are making a trade in each of these pictures.
symbols Definition: Pictures or shapes used to stand for something else Sentence: The letters of our alphabet are symbols for sounds. A red circle with a line through it is a symbol for not allowed.
religion Definition: a set of beliefs, based on faith, that help people explain their world and how to live in it. There are many different religions in the world. Sentence: The priests in charge of the religion make sure that the temples stay beautiful.
caravan Definition: a traveling group Sentence: The caravan moved together from city to city, selling their goods.
flooding Definition: Water that covers an area that is usually dry Sentence: Sometimes when it rains very hard for a long time, flooding takes place.
Definition: without errors or mistakes accurately Definition: without errors or mistakes Sentence: He accurately answered all of the questions, so Evan earned a 100%.
depicted Sentence: Her painting depicted a sunny day at the ocean. Definition: represented in words or a picture Sentence: Her painting depicted a sunny day at the ocean.
specific Sentence: An apple is a specific kind of fruit. Definition: a certain kind of thing Sentence: An apple is a specific kind of fruit.
treasure Definition: something valuable or precious like gold or jewels Sentence: Columbus traveled across the ocean hoping to find treasure.
visible Sentence: The stars and the moon are visible on clear nights. Definition: able to be seen Sentence: The stars and the moon are visible on clear nights.
tradition Definition: A special way of doing something that hasn’t changed over the years. Sentence: My favorite tradition is celebrating my son’s birthday on Thanksgiving, because the whole family is there.
archaeologist Definition: a scientist who studies people of the past by looking at what they left behind (like tools or pottery) Sentence: The archaeologist worked for years to find the ancient city.
triumph Definition: a great success Sentence: The performance was a triumph, and everyone was happy.
faithful Definition: loyal and dependable Sentence: The little girl is faithful to her dogs because she feeds them every day.
synagogue Sentence: Jewish people often go to the synagogue to pray. Definition: a Jewish place of worship Sentence: Jewish people often go to the synagogue to pray.
miracle Definition: something truly fantastic and almost unbelievable Sentence: I think it is a miracle that no one was hurt in the earthquake.
similarities Definition: things that are the same, or in common, with one another Sentence: It is easy to spot similarities between a tricycle and a bicycle.