Repository of BC information Initial development stage Z. Klimont (IIASA), T. Bond (UOI), E. Baum (CATF) Repository of BC information Initial development stage TFEIP meeting Stockholm, May 2-3, 2011
Repository of BC information What, Who, When Project goal Design and compile a database of BC relevant (globally) information and develop a publicly accessible web interface to: View the information, Provide examples how to use it to develop own inventories, Address projections with mitigation measures and their costs Project partners IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne, USA Clean Air Task Force (CATF), Boston, USA Timeline 2011-2012; discussing how to secure longer-term maintenance/funding
Repository of BC information Key elements (1st year) For key BC sources* compile a set of characteristics, including regional differences, including: Key technical features influencing emissions, Referenced emission rates, including co-emitted species (OC, total PM, CO, CH4, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, CO2), Uncertainty assessment for the central EF values, Role of transient operating conditions and temporal variability, Relevance of superemitters; potential for malfunction and impacts Regional variability in technology For mitigation measures a set of additional parameters, including impact on co-emitted species, technical and cultural constraints in application, costs, assessment of the quality of the information * on-road and off-road diesel, residential combustion, open ag. fires
Repository of BC information Key elements (2nd year and beyond) Extend the parameterization of the database with climate metrics that could be used to rank sources and measures according to their climate efficiency Present the tool at meetings…publicize and receive feedback Provided the tool is useful and used….identify partner for future collaboration to plan for further development and maintenance