Exploring Computer Science Lesson 4-11 Rock Paper Scissors Exploring Computer Science Lesson 4-11
Objectives The students will be able to: Apply knowledge of conditionals to complete a Rock Paper Scissors program.
Rules Rock beats Scissors Scissors beats Paper Paper beats Rock Download the beginning of the program from the web site (rps starter.sb)
Let’s Look at the Beginning of the Program There are 5 variables: ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS never change computer and player reflect their choices They are hidden during the game
How many combinations are there?? Computer’s Choice Player’s Choice Winner Rock Tie Paper Player Scissors Computer
I’ll help you get started!
Finish Programming the Game! Your job is to finish programming the game. There are many possible ways to do that. If you want extra credit, you will: Set a limit on the number of attempts the user has to beat the computer…or vice versa. Change the instructions to inform the user how many attempts they have to beat the computer. Present a backdrop or scene change to say who has won and what the final score is once the number of attempts has been reached. Be careful! There are three ‘winning’ screens: the user wins, the computer wins AND there’s a tie (nobody wins)!