Online Pride Report System Contents
Access the Florida Key Club Website Then click the OPR page
Click the registration link
Select your club and then click proceed.
Insert your Advisor’s email. Then create a unique password. The Secretary, President, and Advisor needs to know the password Save the information you filled in. Your Lt. Governor, Zone Administrator, and District Secretary know your password in case you forget.
After you register your club, this page will appear After you register your club, this page will appear. You must complete the OIF before continuing into the OPR system. A complete OIF includes all officer’s and Advisor’s names, email addresses and at least one phone number. Save the information before sending the OIF.
Once the OIF is submitted, you can fill out Pride Reports, update or view the OIF, and update or view previous Pride Reports.
Officer Information Form (OIF)
After registering your club, you will then be able to login into the OPR system. Select your club, enter your password, and then click login.
You can view or update your OIF here. Make updates to the OIF when the information changes. The OIF is a crucial link between the district and the clubs.
Save the information before sending the OIF. Make sure that the emails are valid emails. Without the OIF clubs could not receive vital information to succeed. A complete OIF includes all officer’s and Advisor’s names, email address and at least one phone number. Save the information before sending the OIF.
pride report Due the 10th of each month
Then, click on the OPR system link. First, access the Florida Key Club website’s home page. Then, click on the OPR system link.
Once on the OPR system’s log-in page, you need to select your club then enter your club’s password. If you need help with the OPR system, you can find online instructions here.
To start a Pride Report, select the month and year you wish to fill out the report for. Then click start report. You can view and update Pride Reports.
You should see this page once you click start report You should see this page once you click start report. From here you can complete the report.
Taking attendance at club meetings will make this box easier to fill out. Be sure “Members in club” corresponds to dues paid members. Get with your treasurer or Faculty Advisor about how many members are in the club.
If your club has any questions for your Lt If your club has any questions for your Lt. Governor or the District, then please leave them in this box or email your question to the person. Your club can also leave comments. For example: attending divisional events that do not correspond with a service project, other Kiwanis Family meetings, or Kiwanis meetings.
Check with all club officers about contact from your Lt. Governor Check with all club officers about contact from your Lt. Governor. Fill this box out with the correct information. This box helps the District know if your Lt. Governor is doing their job.
Formula for Calculating Total Service Hours Total # of paid members involved X Total # of hours project lasted Total Service Hours Only projects dealing with The Governor’s Project should be listed here. This years Governor’s Project is The Home Project. Make sure to include a title and description for the project.
Formula for Calculating Total Service Hours Total # of paid members involved X Total # of hours project lasted Total Service Hours When listing a project, make sure to have a title and a description of the project.
If you have more than one Governor’s Project, then place (GP or HP) in these boxes. This will notify the District that your club has done more than one Governor’s project. Fundraisers will count as service hours if they are for charities not the individual club. If you need more boxes for service projects then click here.
If you made changes to the above section, then make sure to save the changes. Click save if changes were made.
To add more projects, fill in this box and then click save To add more projects, fill in this box and then click save. This will add more projects to the report. Once you make any changes to the report, make sure to click the submit report button.
You can update who the Pride Report is emailed.
Here you can add class directors, committee chairs, or maybe even the president of your sponsoring Kiwanis club. The Pride Report is emailed to everyone on your club’s Officer Information Form, the District Secretary, your Lt. Governor, and your Zone Administrator. Make sure to click UPDATE MY INFORMATION, or the newly added people will not be added.