Liberal Education & America’s Promise (LEAP) Workshop


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Liberal Education & America’s Promise (LEAP) Workshop Theme for 2018: Growth Mindset for Student Success Apply for Option 1 or Option 2 Option 1: Introduction to LEAP workshop Who: Teams interested in learning about the UW-Whitewater LEAP initiative, new members of the campus community, or individuals who need a LEAP refresher course. If you have participated in a prior LEAP workshop you should assemble a team for the Growth Mindset (Option 2) workshop What: Assemble a team of 3-5 individuals (each team should include at least one student) to use elements of LEAP to design and implement a project to improve teaching, learning, and/or student success Where: UW-W University Center When: January 3-4, 2018 and May 21-22, 2018 (attend all four dates) Why: Design and implement a project to support teaching, learning, and student success UW-W has developed a national reputation in the implementation of LEAP in curricular and co-curricular programs Earn a stipend for your work Option 2: Growth Mindset LEAP workshop Who: Individuals who have completed a prior LEAP workshop or are interested in working on a project related to Growth Mindset inspired by the campus presentations of David Yeager or Saundra McGuire What: Assemble a team of 3-5 individuals (each team should include at least one student) to use elements of LEAP to design and implement a project that involves Growth Mindset to improve student success Where: UW-W University Center When: January 9-10, 2018 and May 23-24, 2018 (attend all four dates) Why: Design and implement a project using Growth Mindset to support teaching, learning, and student success UW-W has developed a national reputation in the implementation of LEAP in curricular and co-curricular programs Earn a stipend for your work See reverse side for details

Option 1: Introduction to LEAP workshop WORKSHOP SCHEDULE Option 1: Introduction to LEAP workshop Meet for two days from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (January 3-4) to explore LEAP. Team time will be available to develop concrete action plans. Submit a team action plan by January 25, 2018 and work to implement the plan. Meet again from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on May 21-22, 2018 to share progress from the spring semester, dig deeper into LEAP, exchange ideas for best practices, and revise team action plans for academic year 2018-2019. Your whole team needs to meet together during the May workshop. Team time will be available to revise concrete action plans. Submit a revised team action plan by May 31, 2018 and work to implement the plan. Attend a share-and-review session during the spring 2019 semester (to be scheduled later). Present team progress in a poster at Assessment Day 2019. Option 2: Advanced LEAP workshop Meet for two days from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (January 9-10) to dig deep into the relationships among LEAP and Growth Mindset. Team time will be available to develop concrete action plans. Submit a team action plan by January 31, 2018 and work to implement the plan. Meet again from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on May 23-24, 2018 to share progress from the spring semester, dig deeper into LEAP, exchange ideas for best practices, and revise team action plans for academic year 2018-2019. Your whole team needs to meet together during the May workshop. Team time will be available to revise concrete action plans. Submit a revised team action plan by June 6, 2018 and work to implement the plan. Present team progress in a poster at Assessment Day 2019 ..LEAP challenges the traditional practice of providing liberal education to some students and narrow training to others. LEAP engages the public with core questions about what really matters in college; connects employers and educational leaders as they make the case for the importance of liberal education in the global economy and in our diverse democracy; and helps all students achieve the essential learning outcomes. Through LEAP, AAC&U calls on the United States to ‘make excellence inclusive’ so that all students receive the best and most powerful preparation for work, life and citizenship.  TEAMS We invite campus faculty, staff, students and administrators to form teams to explore new ways to support student success. Each LEAP team will develop a short-term (spring semester) and long-term (academic year 2018-19) plan for using LEAP. Each team must include at least three and no more than five people and must include at least one student and at least one campus employee. STIPENDS1 Eligible participants will receive stipends (per person) of $200 upon completion of the January workshop and approval of the team action plan. Participants receive an additional $600 after completion of the May workshop and approval of their revised action plan. 1Participants must attend workshop to receive full stipend. Each workshop day attended results in $100. TO APPLY Form a team with 3 to 5 members. Each team must have at least one student and at least one campus employee. Make sure to state whether you are applying for the Introduction to LEAP or Growth Mindset LEAP workshop. Send an email by December 8, 2017 to Dale Splinter ( with the following information (one email per team): A list of your team’s participants, with email addresses and each person’s department, unit or office. For each student, include the student’s anticipated graduation date (e.g., May 2019). We prefer that students remain active on the team through May 2019. Provide a one-paragraph description of your team’s main motivation and/or goal for participating in the 2018 LEAP workshop. Seats are limited for this workshop series. Acceptance will be subject to space availability, budget and our desire to have representation from a variety of departments and units across campus. A firm commitment to the entire workshop program is necessary in order to receive stipends.