London Borough of Camden Ruth Jones Secure Communications with Third Parties To change the title slide image You can delete the “bridge” image by clicking on it and pressing delete. To insert a new photograph go to Insert and choose Picture > From File …, select your picture from the file where it is saved. …or leave the title slide blank if you prefer.
Why are we doing the project Frequency of communication between Local Authorities (LAs), third sector, businesses and private individuals CJSM –de facto solution for LAs but limited Possible change in LAs from being providers to being commissioners Customer journeys….
Children’s Services example
Adult Social care example
Legal/commercial example Tips for inserting photographs To insert a photograph go to Insert and choose Picture > From File …, select your picture from the file where it is saved. Resize your picture by dragging with your mouse, hold down the shift key and drag diagonally from a corner to make sure that you maintain the original proportions and ratio of the image. Photographs do not need to be high resolution in PowerPoint as this leads to overly large file sizes. If possible, make sure that your photographs are saved at the best resolution for electronic display, ie compressed Jpeg files at 72 dpi, before you insert them into your PowerPoint presentation.
Scope of the project All London LAs invited to participate- 24/33 at initial launch 13 LAs “opting in” (including Southend), more interested Email and file exchange Hosted solution – local configuration and flexibility, annual revenue costs estimated £20-50 per user per year NHS engagement Aspirational – interoperability with, cjsm, GCmail…. Tips for inserting photographs To insert a photograph go to Insert and choose Picture > From File …, select your picture from the file where it is saved. Resize your picture by dragging with your mouse, hold down the shift key and drag diagonally from a corner to make sure that you maintain the original proportions and ratio of the image. Photographs do not need to be high resolution in PowerPoint as this leads to overly large file sizes. If possible, make sure that your photographs are saved at the best resolution for electronic display, ie compressed Jpeg files at 72 dpi, before you insert them into your PowerPoint presentation.
Project approach Rapid procurement Joint specification and evaluation, collective approach e.g. ISFL Individual contracts Flexibility for more LAs to opt in- recent NW interest Parallel implementations
Timeline Tender out now – deadline for response yesterday Evaluation throughout Oct/Nov Decision – wb 22nd Nov Implementation commences Dec (in parallel with contract negotiations) Tips for inserting photographs To insert a photograph go to Insert and choose Picture > From File …, select your picture from the file where it is saved. Resize your picture by dragging with your mouse, hold down the shift key and drag diagonally from a corner to make sure that you maintain the original proportions and ratio of the image. Photographs do not need to be high resolution in PowerPoint as this leads to overly large file sizes. If possible, make sure that your photographs are saved at the best resolution for electronic display, ie compressed Jpeg files at 72 dpi, before you insert them into your PowerPoint presentation.
More info? Procurement: Project: 02079741640 Tips for inserting photographs To insert a photograph go to Insert and choose Picture > From File …, select your picture from the file where it is saved. Resize your picture by dragging with your mouse, hold down the shift key and drag diagonally from a corner to make sure that you maintain the original proportions and ratio of the image. Photographs do not need to be high resolution in PowerPoint as this leads to overly large file sizes. If possible, make sure that your photographs are saved at the best resolution for electronic display, ie compressed Jpeg files at 72 dpi, before you insert them into your PowerPoint presentation.