Defense Travel System (DTS) Guide for Reviewers


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Presentation transcript:

Defense Travel System (DTS) Guide for Reviewers created by the Ohio National Guard

Defense Travel System (DTS) Guide for Reviewers In this book we will be discussing the Defense Travel System also known as DTS. DTS is a fully automated travel request, authorization, reservation and reimbursement system that replaces the current process of travel orders, requests, paper travel orders, paper travel vouchers, and manual reimbursement. The DTS allows the traveler that has a common access card (CAC) reader, to work in a paperless environment 24 hours a day. Travelers will request trip authorizations, reserve their own airline tickets, hotels, rental cars, and request reimbursement online. The DTS will store all documentation online for the required six years and three months; thereby eliminating the need to file paper copies. . created by the Ohio National Guard

Pre-Travel Authorization Checklist for Reviewing Officials Is the TDY mission necessary? Do amounts claimed appear reasonable? Is the Line of Accounting correct? Are there organizational funds available based on the “should cost” amount for that trip record request? Are all claimed expenses charged against the correct line of accounting? If Constructed Travel is being requested, is the requested travel mode more or less expensive than the “usual” travel mode? LOA: If unsure about the LOA leave blank and it will be attached at the approval level. created by the Ohio National Guard

Pre-Travel Authorization Checklist for Reviewing Officials ~ Continued Have you ensured the availability of government quarters and/or dining facilities? Is a rental car authorized? Are registration fees authorized? Is leave in conjunction with the TDY being authorized? Have you verified that no Per Diem has been authorized for a TDY trip of 12 hours or less? If you were unsure whether a travel a entitlement is authorized, have you referred to the Joint Federal Travel Regulation/Joint Travel Regulation (JFTR/JTR), Appendix O? Have you digitally signed the trip as Reviewer to authorize the travel? Are receipts attached under substantiating documents? created by the Ohio National Guard

Post-Travel Checklist for Reviewing Officials and Certifying Officials Does the voucher agree with the authorization? Do the amounts claimed for the following items appear reasonable? Are receipts for all expenses of $75.00 or more and all lodging, rental car, airline invoices and any registration/conference fees of any amount included. Excess Baggage fees no matter the amount must be included. Did the traveler take leave or use excess travel time that should be recorded as leave? Were any meals or quarters included in the registration fees or were any periods of the TDY under field conditions and did the traveler claim them correctly? Did the traveler pay more than the allowed rate for lodging and was it approved? created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard References Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR) dated 1 March 2010 Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) dated 1 March 2010 DTS Business Rules Guide Version 4.0 dated 3 Oct 2005 Defense Travel Administrator (DTA) Manual Version 4.4.16 updated 5 November 2009 USPFO Traveler’s Claim Guide 21 July 2005 JTR = Dual Status Technicians and Non-Dual Status Technicians JFTR = AGR, Traditional Members These are the main regulations, guide and manual you will use for DTS. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard DTS Permission Levels Levels 0-7 Document Processing – 0 Budget – 1, 3 DTA Maintenance – 1, 5 Reports – Must have Organization Access For Reviewers: 0,1,2, and 5 DTS Permission levels are assigned to define the tasks that can be performed in accordance with your user role or roles. created by the Ohio National Guard

DTS Travel Policy Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) Mission: Serve as the single focal point for commercial travel within the Department of Defense. Establish strategic direction, set policy, and centrally manage commercial travel programs. DTS: DTMO: The Defense Travel Management Office, also known as DTMO is the responsible entity for DTS. Their mission is listed here. DTMO provides oversight for commercial travel management, travel policy and implementation, travel card program management, training functional oversight of DTS and customer support. The website for the Defense Travel System and DTMO are both listed here. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard JFTR/JTR, Appendix O JFTR, Appendix O Uniformed Personnel JTR, Appendix O DOD Civilian Employees Travelers affected Uniformed Members, including Reserve Component personnel on Active Duty When performing TDY travel for Business, schoolhouse training or group travel Where can you find simplified entitlements? They are located in Appendix O of the Joint Federal Travel Regulation which is for uniformed personnel and the Joint Travel Regulation which covers DOD Civilian Employees. DTS has been designed to incorporate all required DOD Regulations and policies. There are policy checks included within DTS. That’s why you don’t have to commit these regulations to memory, but you should have an understanding of the regulations, especially Appendix O of the JFTR/JTR. It contains information on Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel allowances. created by the Ohio National Guard

Government Travel Card Possession is mandatory for all unless exempted Use for official expenses only Use is mandatory for all travel-related expenses: Pre-approved exceptions for mandatory use: Vendor does not accept Local transportation, parking Taxi Phone calls Meals The current government travel card contract is with Citi Cards. All travelers that receive a government travel card will use the card for official business only. Official travel consists of the traveler on TDY and uses the card for travel-related expenses. Examples are lodging, transportation, rental cars and meals. created by the Ohio National Guard

Government Travel Card If traveler has a government travel card, must use card for ATM advance to be reimbursed fees SERVICE FEE: Bank fee that is charged for using the terminal ADVANCE FEE: Cash advance fee that is charged by contracted GOVCC vendor If traveler does not have a government travel card Uniformed members: Will be reimbursed for both fees if they use personal card DOD Civilian: Currently will not be reimbursed for fees Fees associated with the government travel card. A traveler will be reimbursed for ATM fees only if they use their government travel card. There are two fees that a traveler can be reimbursed. One is a Service Fee that the bank charges for using their terminal and the other is an Advance Fee that the GOVCC vendor charges for an advance. The exception is if military members do not have a government travel card they will be reimbursed these fees if they use their personal credit card. DOD Civilian Employees will not be reimbursed these fees if they use their personal credit card. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard Commercial Air As directed/authorized by supervisor or approving official to meet mission requirements Contract “City Pairs” American Flag Carriers (Fly America Act) Coach Class The Approving Official or supervisor may direct or authorize commercial air travel. Directed means you will do it versus Authorized means you may/can do it. When commercial air is the mode of transportation the first choice for flights will be from contract city pairs. Contract City Pairs are flights between designated locations, city to city for which the airlines and the government have negotiated a set price. Benefits for using Contract City Pairs include no penalty for canceling a ticket, a full refund if the traveler cancels, and no fees are charged by the airline if travel is changed en route. Coach class is the default seating for TDY travel. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard Rental Cars Cannot be directed to take rental vehicle TDY Authorized for official business only Reimbursement for all costs associated with rental Should be from rental agency with a Surface Deployment & Distribution Command (SDDC) government agreement No insurance required if using agency with SDDC agreement Vehicle size/quantity necessary to meet mission requirements Compact is the default size A traveler cannot be directed to use a rental vehicle to go on TDY. Rental cars are to be used for official business. Some examples of allowable use for rental cars on TDY are: going to and from your hotel to the TDY location, going out for meals, going to a store for necessary needs and going to church. Reimbursement is authorized for the rental costs, taxes and local assessments on rental car users, gasoline, oil, and transportation to and from the rental facility. The government contracts rental car companies through the Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, SDDC. Therefore, any time you reserve a rental car it must be from a government contracted rental car company. If you reserve a rental car through DTS these companies are already listed. Included in the contracted agreement with the rental car companies is a collision damage waiver. Therefore, you do not need to get extra coverage on these rental cars as it is already included. If a traveler asks for additional coverage it will not be reimbursed. Some rental car companies will offer it, instruct your personnel to decline it. Larger sized rental cars can be requested, but there should be justification approved by your supervisor and/or approving official. created by the Ohio National Guard

Privately-Owned Vehicle (POV) Cannot be directed to use POV Standard mileage rates apply Must use Defense Table of Official Distances (DTOD) to get official mileage Travel must be clear whether approval is: For the benefit of the government (Full reimbursement) For the convenience of the traveler (Reimbursement based on “constructive cost” of authorized travel mode) A traveler cannot be directed to use their Privately-Owned Vehicle for TDY. If they do choose to use their POV for TDY the traveler needs to be clear that the use is either one of the following: Benefit to the government = which means the traveler will be fully reimbursed because it is cheaper for the government or convenience of the traveler = which means reimbursement will be limited to the cost of an authorized travel mode because it benefits the traveler. A constructive cost of airfare is used to compute this. The traveler will be prompted within DTS to complete a Constructive Cost Worksheet. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard Travel Days Commercial Air In CONUS = 1 Day POV/Rental Vehicle/government vehicle 400 miles per day The number of days allowed for travel is determined by the authorized mode of travel. One day by commercial air is allowed for CONUS (Continental United States). One day travel is allowed for each 400 miles when using private, government, or rental vehicle. For commercial bus or train the scheduled departure and arrival dates will be used. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard Government Lodging To meet mission requirements Government quarters should be used if available and TDY is at an installation If government quarters are not available, must obtain non-availability statement Cannot direct DOD Civilian employees to stay in government quarters Lodging is at the discretion of the Approving Official and/or supervisor as to what best meets the need of the mission. If TDY to a military installation, government quarters should be used if available. If they are not available, the traveler should obtain a statement of non-availability. DOD Civilian Employees cannot be directed to stay in government quarters. They are encouraged to use if available. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard Commercial Lodging To meet mission requirements Lodging taxes are not included in Per Diem rate Claim as separate reimbursable non-mileage expense No reimbursement if staying with relatives/friends Commercial lodging will be authorized if it meets mission requirements. Hotel taxes are not included in the lodging rate and are a reimbursable expense. If the lodging rate exceeds the per diem rate the amount may be approved for up to 300% of actual lodging. Only the USPFO (United States Property & Fiscal Officer) can authorize an actual expense allowance. Reimbursement for staying with friends or relatives while TDY is not authorized. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard Meals First/last day – 75% rule If TDY to an installation and staying in quarters, use government mess rate may be prescribed (Must be prescribed before travel begins) Meals are paid at the rate of 75% of the daily entitlement for the first and last day and 100% for the remaining days. If the traveler is staying at multiple destinations the rate for the first day is paid according to the TDY location or stopover point. The rate is paid on the last day for the last TDY location or stopover point. If the traveler is staying in government quarters and government meals are available then meals will be reimbursed at the government meals rate. created by the Ohio National Guard

Proportional Meal Rate (PMR) PMR is the average of the locality Full Meal Rate and the Government Mess Rate (cost for three meals in a government mess/dining facility) The appropriate amount for incidentals must be added DTS will compute correct rate When PRM is used: Lodged in base quarters – one or two meals available (but not all three) in government mess One or two meals are otherwise paid for by the government (e.g. a registration fee) The Proportional Meal rate is the average of the locality meal rate and the government mess rate. The appropriate incidental expense rate is then added to determine what will be the final proportional per diem rate. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard Incidental Expenses The “IE” portion of Meals & Incidental Expenses (M&IE) Covers miscellaneous expenses (Do not confuse with reimbursable) CONUS = $3.00 Travelers are paid an allowance for miscellaneous expenses incurred while traveling. This is the IE part of M&IE. The daily IE entitlement in CONUS is $3.00 per day. created by the Ohio National Guard

Reimbursable Expenses Travelers are to be reimbursed for necessary travel related expenses Expenses must be “travel” related such as: Cost of traveler’s checks, money orders, or certified checks ATM fees Lodging taxes Resort fees CTO fees Use of computer/printer/fax machines, etc. for official business Internet access fees (if authorized by supervisor or AO Travelers are to be reimbursed for necessary travel/transportation related expenses. The Approving Official and /or supervisor will be responsible in determining if an expense is authorized or not. All reimbursable expenses must be related to official travel. Lodging taxes are claimed under non-mileage expenses CTO fees charged by the travel office. This is automatically calculated on the e-invoice and you do not have to list it separately. Use of printers, copiers, scanners etc. for official business is reimbursable. created by the Ohio National Guard

Reimbursable Expenses (con’t) Tips for taxis/limousines Parking fees at terminal Costs of transportation to/from terminal Baggage tips (For civilians: only for government property) Laundry/dry cleaning/clothes pressing Civilians: CONUS only (4 nights TDY) Uniformed Member: CONUS only (7 nights/Max $2 per day) Transportation to and from the airport is a reimbursable expense. Two examples are round trip taxi fare or POV mileage. Other travel costs include taxi, tolls, bus fare, and metro fares. Laundry service for civilians is reimbursed with no limit providing they stay over 4 consecutive nights. Uniform members can receive reimbursement for laundry if they are TDY in CONUS for 7 consecutive nights. They have a limit of $2 per day. Example: 7 consecutive nights X $2 = $14.00 max Example: 8 consecutive nights X $2 = $16.00 max Example: 6 consecutive nights = no reimbursement for laundry service created by the Ohio National Guard

Reimbursable Expenses The following expenses must be pre-approved by AO/Supervisor: Calls home (AO/supervisor must limit amount) Typing services/Clerical assistance Storage of property used for official business Room rental used for official business Connections used for computers Excess Baggage Registration Fees Dual Lodging Costs Lodging Late Checkout Fees Calls home can be reimbursed with supervisor approval. Excess baggage, if required can be reimbursed. This must be approved on the authorization/orders. Registration fees are reimbursable. It must be approved on the authorization/orders and a receipt must be submitted. Dual lodging costs and lodging late checkout fees are also allowable reimbursable fees. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard 1-Day TDY For 1-day TDY outside established commuting area, the Approving Official will: Approve transportation, government travel should be used if available Authorize 75% locality rate of M&IE if TDY is more than 12 hours (highest rate if traveling to more than one location) Not authorize meals if TDY is 12 hours or less Refer to FAQ 19 in this manual when orders are required to support 1-day travel For 1-day travel the approving official may authorize travel outside the established local commutable area and not require lodging. For example, the traveler could take a short business trip from their PDS to Washington DC leaving on a flight in the morning and returning late that evening. For one day travel, when travel is more than 12 hours, reimbursement for meals is 75% of the M&IE rate for the TDY location. While no per diem is normally authorized when TDY is 12 hours or less, the traveler MAY submit justification for reimbursement of actual expenses up to the proportional meal rate (minus the IE portion) for the TDY location. This does not apply to DOD Civilian Employees as they cannot be reimbursed for meals when TDY is 12 hours or less. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard Local Travel For 1-day travel within the established local commutable area Receive mileage reimbursement for transportation, if government transportation is not available If POV is used, receive mileage minus normal distance driven to and from duty station Use odometer reading for mileage No meals, no per diem The traveler will receive reimbursement for mileage if government transportation is not available. If the traveler is authorized to use their POV by their supervisor, they will be reimbursed for the mileage they travel minus the normal distance that is driven to and from their duty station. Per-diem and meals will not be paid for local travel within the established local commutable area *see USPFO Traveler claim guide 21 July 2005. This reimbursement is computed on a local voucher and does not require an authorization/order. created by the Ohio National Guard

Instructions for Reviewing an Authorization/Order created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard You will receive an email notifying you when a document has been routed to you for review. On your User/Welcome Home page Click on the “Click Here” tab across from the Documents Awaiting Your Approval. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard The documents awaiting your review are listed on this page. The second column is the “Sort by Type” section. This will list “A U T H” for authorizations, “V C H” for Vouchers and “L V C H” for Local Vouchers. The fourth column is “Sorted by Awaiting Status”. This column will indicate what needs to be accomplished. To view this authorization you would click on the corresponding “review” link in the first column. created by the Ohio National Guard

This is the main screen when reviewing. Check Comments After clicking the “review” link the following screen will appear. This is the “Preview Trip” page. On this page you will scroll through all of the fields to verify for accuracy to ensure expenses are estimated and any additional information needed for this TDY is annotated. On this section of the screen make sure to check the “Comments to the Approving Official” block for any specific information. If this trip is for training you will want to click the “Substantiating Records” button to verify that their SF 182 is attached (if you require the SF 182 be attached to the authorization/order at this point. Some States may keep the hard copy of the SF 182 on file). Scroll to the next section. created by the Ohio National Guard

Check the following to make sure it is accurate: This should always be AA – routine TDY/TAD Check the following to make sure it is accurate: Trip Purpose Trip Description Airline Information The next section to review is the Trip Type, Trip Purpose and Trip Description fields. Trip Type should always be AA-Routine TDY/TAD. Trip Purpose should coincide with what is annotated in the Trip Description field. Trip Description should not be blank. The next section is the Overall Starting Point and the location areas. Verify that the dates match whatever travel is scheduled. For Air Travel the dates should match the overall trip dates. Scroll to the next section. created by the Ohio National Guard

Check the rental car and lodging confirming dates The next section will indicate rental car information, if applicable. The default size for rental car is compact. If a larger size is shown verify that there is justification. If lodging was requested through DTS verify that the dates match the overall trip dates. Verify that the Overall Ending Point matches from where the trip started. Scroll to expenses. created by the Ohio National Guard

Confirm non-mileage and mileage dates and expense type In the expenses section ensure that the appropriate estimated expenses are listed. The four expenses listed under non-mileage are typical. Two others that are not listed are registration fee and internet access fee, if applicable. Of course, gasoline Rental/govt car would be listed only if a rental car is requested. Under mileage expenses ensure when the traveler is using their POV to drive to and from the air terminal that a round trip is annotated. This screen shows only one way mileage. Next, scroll down to the per diem entitlements. created by the Ohio National Guard

Accounting code will be added by Approving Official In the Per Diem Entitlements section, verify that the lodging dates match the overall trip dates. The Accounting Code will be added by the Approving Official. created by the Ohio National Guard

Click the “Proceed To Other Auths” button Once everything is verified, click the “Proceed To Other Auths” button. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard Verify other authorizations then click here On the “Other Authorizations” screen, verify that all of the appropriate Additional Authorizations are listed. As you can see “Variations Authorized” is listed along with a justification. Other common Additional Authorizations would be “Excess Baggage” and “Other”. “Other” can be used to authorize Internet Access fees and reimbursement for registration fees, which have to have justification provided. After all are verified, click the Continue button on the lower right. This will take you to the Pre-Audit screen. created by the Ohio National Guard

Click “Save and Proceed To Digital Signature” Verify the flags.. Traveler must have justifications noted. Click “Save and Proceed To Digital Signature” The Pre-Audit screen will show you any “flags” that have been raised for this trip. Anything annotated outside of defaults established in the JFTR/JTR will be flagged for justification. Justifications must be annotated for each flag. Click “Save and Proceed to Digital Signature” screen. created by the Ohio National Guard

Click “Submit Completed Document” Make sure the stamp is “reviewed” Click “Submit Completed Document” On the “Digital Signature” screen make sure the stamp in the “Submit this document as:” field is “Reviewed”. Click the “Submit Completed Document” button. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard Click “Close” The “Stamping Result” screen will appear. This screen verifies that the document was stamped “Reviewed”. Once you click the “Close” button you will be returned to the Documents in Routing Screen. This document will now have the Status “APPROVED” in the “Sorted by Awaiting Status” column. The authorization/order is ready to be approved. created by the Ohio National Guard

DTS FAQS Questions and Answers created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard FAQs 1. When do I need an Authorization/Orders? A. You need an Authorization/order for temporary duty (TDY) currently an Authorization/order is requested for: Full-time technicians required to perform TDY for travel and/or training. AGR personnel for travel only. AGR Travel = AGR Business, inspections, USR reviews, conferences, etc. Medical Travel = Scheduled medical appointments through the AGR office outside of local area. Augmentee Travel = AGR Augmentee back filling (specific ADOS orders) for a Mobilized AGR (business travel). FTE (full time equivalent) Travel = Soldiers serving as plus ups for AGR Manning during the period prior to mobilization. Business travel only. Dual Status Technicians = If traveling in military status you currently cannot use DTS. You must obtain manual orders through proper Channels and submit a manual DD Form 1351-2 (Travel Voucher). 2. When do I need a local voucher? A. A local voucher is a request for reimbursement of expenses incurred while conducting government business less than 12 hours outside the established local commutable area. POV mileage expense (if approved) or miscellaneous expenses if preapproved by Approving Official. Example: turnpike tolls, parking fees. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard FAQs - Continued 3. What do I do when I need to make a change or addition to my authorization? Follow procedures on “Amendments / Adjustments” located in this manual. Note: If travel has already commenced DO NOT amend your authorization, all adjustments are made to your voucher. 4. When is In and Around mileage authorized? A. 1. It must be authorized by your supervisor. 2. For instances when government business and/or training is not co-located with lodging or you must drive to obtain meals. 3. A log must be kept with your daily mileage recorded. *See sample at the end of this manual. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard FAQs - Continued 5. I can’t find a hotel in DTS? A. The recommended method is to coordinate your reservation directly with a hotel at your TDY location. Verify the per diem rate prior to making your reservation. Add receipts to your voucher upon your return. 6. I am going to a conference. Rooms are blocked. Do I book my hotel through DTS? A. No. Contact the hotel and make your reservations under the blocked rooms. Upon your return, attach your hotel receipt with your substantiating documents on your voucher. 7. How do I add “Other Ticketed Transportation” if I coordinated an airline ticket directly from Carlson Wagonlit? A. Refer to Chapter 7, Amendments, section “Add ticket Information” of the DTS Document Processing Manual located in the DTS folder under the HRO section of TAGNET and Chapter 2, Authorization (2.6.6). “Other Ticketed Transportation” 8. Can I purchase my airline ticket through an airline service or directly with that specific airline? A. No. You must coordinate airline tickets through DTS or the contracted commercial travel office (CTO). created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard FAQs - Continued 9. What do I do if I don’t have a Government Travel Card (GOVCC)? A. Use of the Government Travel Card is mandatory. Anyone without a GOVCC must be entered in DTS as exempt. Exempted travelers will use the centrally billed account (CBA) for airline tickets only. The traveler is responsible for all other expenses. Note: Exempted travelers may request an advance of their per diem entitlement in their authorization. GOVCC holders are not authorized an advance through their authorization but can use their card to take out a cash withdrawal at most ATMs. 10. How do I cancel an Authorization? A. Refer to “Canceling an Authorization” located in this manual. 11. When do I complete a Voucher? A. Vouchers are to be completed by the traveler within 5 business days upon return from their trip. Refer to “Create a Voucher” located in this manual. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard FAQs - Continued 12. Do I use DTS if I have manual orders? A. No. If you have manual orders you cannot use DTS. Complete a Manual Travel Voucher, DD Form 1351-2, upon your return. 13. Do I use DTS for Over-Seas Travel (OCONUS) ? A. At this time OCONUS travel is NOT to be processed through DTS. You must use manual orders. Hawaii, Alaska, PR and VI are not considered OCONUS in DTS 14. What source documents do I need to submit with my voucher under Substantiating Documents? A. Excess/Checked baggage receipt, rental car receipt, lodging receipt, rental car gas receipt (if over $75), parking receipt (if over $75), registration fee receipt, airline e-invoice (unless it was centrally billed), Approved Actual Expense Allowance (AEA) (if applicable), non-availability statement (if applicable), copy of signed DD Form 1351-2 (if T-entered). 15. Where do I get my e-invoice for my airline ticket? A. Once you receive a ticketed email notification from CTO, print the attached invoice or use the locator code in the subject line of the email to print the e-invoice from created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard FAQs - Continued 16. When do I need a Constructive Cost Worksheet? A. If you are authorized by your supervisor to use your POV for Out of State TDY, you must complete a Constructive Cost Worksheet. Approved POV Travel within the state does not need a Constructive Cost Worksheet. See sample located at the end of this manual. 17. What document needs to be submitted with an Authorization for a Technician Attending training? A. An SF 182 “Authorization Agreement and Certification of Training” See sample located at the end of this manual. 18. What if I need a larger rental vehicle? A. Refer to the section on “Booking a Rental Car” located in this manual. If requesting a larger vehicle during the authorization, you will be prompted to provide justification. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard FAQs - Continued 19. Do I need an Authorization for one day travel? A. Yes, if traveling out of state (example: one day trip to Washington DC with No lodging). Yes, if traveling within the state over 12 but less than 24 hours. Lodging is not authorized. Reimbursement will be 75% of the M&IE rate for the TDY location. No, if traveling within the state less than 12 hours. A local voucher will be submitted if Pre-authorization for POV travel by command or directorate has been Approved. Refer to section on “1 Day TDY” located in the Reviewer section of this manual. 20. What if my lodging is over the per diem rate? A. Every effort should be made to obtain lodging within the per diem rate. If circumstances prevent you from obtaining the per diem rate, submit an Actual Expense Allowance (AEA) request memorandum to the United States Property and Fiscal Officer (USPFO) for approval. ONLY the USPFO can approve lodging above the per diem rate. Attach approved memo with your substantiating documents. *see sample located at the end of this manual. To adjust the entitlements on the voucher once the approved AEA is received, contact your Approving Official for guidance. 21. What if I want to take leave in conjunction with my TDY? Refer to DTS Document Processing Manual, Chapter 2, Authorization section, “using leave while on TDY”. Contact your Reviewing Official for guidance. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard FAQs - Continued 22. What if meals are provided during a portion or all of my TDY? A. Refer to DTS Document Processing Manual, Chapter 2, Authorization Section “update per diem entitlements-meals” or contact your Reviewing Official for guidance. 23. What if I stay with a friend or relative during my TDY? A. You will not be entitled to reimbursement for lodging per diem, but you will receive per diem for meals and incidental expenses. Ensure you adjust your lodging to zero within the voucher. 24. What if I have to travel to multiple destinations? A. Contact your HRO DTS team for assistance 25. When am I required to use government lodging? A. Military members are required to use government lodging TDY is to a military installation. If government lodging is not available at that location, traveler must obtain a statement of non-availability. NDS Technicians are not required to utilize government lodging but may do so if available. **Uniformed travelers to Columbus OH area are required to stay at the Buckeye Inn. **Uniformed travelers to Camp Perry OH area are required to stay at Camp Perry lodging. **Reference AGOH-ZA memo dated 17 March 2005. created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard Sample Forms created by the Ohio National Guard

Sample Actual Expense Allowance Request created by the Ohio National Guard

Sample Log Sheet for In & Around Mileage created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard Sample SF 182 created by the Ohio National Guard

created by the Ohio National Guard SF 182 – second page created by the Ohio National Guard