2. Reporting sheets Mette Wolstrup 4. July 2012


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Presentation transcript:

2. Reporting sheets Mette Wolstrup 4. July 2012 WG DIKE training course on MSFD reporting Mette Wolstrup

Understanding the database atkins_ppt_new-4

MSFD reporting database Reporting sheets Agreed Conceptual understanding Spreadsheet Reporting database Streamlined reporting sheets Match database very closely Access database structure supports spreadsheet Organises information for submission Import datasets or manual entry XML conversion tool links to database to create XML schemas

Reporting sheets 8B05: Interference with hydrological processes 03_4: Geographic boundaries 8B06: Contamination by hazardous substances 05_6: Regional cooperation 8B07: Acute pollution events 8A01: Physical features 8B08: Nutrients and organic matter enrichment 8A02: Habitats 8B09: Microbial pathogens 8A03: Functional groups 8B10: Non-indigenous species (NIS) 8A04: Species 8B11: Extraction of species 8A05: Ecosystems 8B12: Marine acidification 8A06: NIS inventory 8C01: Use of marine waters: human activities/marine water accounts approach 8A07: Other features 8C02: Use of marine waters: ecosystem services/other approaches 8B01: Physical loss 8B02: Physical damage 8C03: Cost of degradation 8B03: Underwater noise 0901: Determination of GES 8B04: Marine litter 1001: Environmental targets and associated indicators

Reporting sheets spreadsheet DB tables 4-6: GeogrAreas and cooperation 1a-GeogAreas 1b-GeogArea_Ids 05-06_RegCoord MSFD4_xx (4 tables) 8Aa-Eco_Analysis 8Ab-Eco_CharImpact 8Ac-Eco_Pressures 8Ad-Eco_AssessStatus 8Ae-Eco_AssessCritInd 8A: Features and characteristics MSFD8a_xx (27 tables) 8Ba-PI_Analysis 8Bb-PI_Analysis_Fisheries 8Bc-PI_FeatureImpacts 8Bd-PI_Activities 8Be-PI_AssessStatus 8Bf_PI_AssessCritInd 8B: Pressures and impacts MSFD8b_xx (35 tables) 8C: Economic and social analysis 8Ca_ESA_Uses 8Cb_ESA_Pressures 8Cc_ESA_Depend MSFD8c_xx (7 tables) 09: Determination of GES 09a_GES 09b_GES_Features MSFD9_xx (4 tables) 10: Targets and indicators 10a_TI_Gen 10b_TI_Targets 10c_TI_DesCrit MSFD10_xx (6 tables)

Reporting database – overall concpet One database per region Overarching tables holds information related to the overall reporting – eg. Reporting information, geographical areas General tables holds information across several grouped features – eg. 8b actvities, 8b assessment Specific tables relates to a specific reporting feature – eg. 8b noise, 8b noise metadata Table dependencies -> data entered in a specific order

Database translation of spreadsheet Worksheet: 8Ba-PI_Analysis

Understanding the XML atkins_ppt_new-4

XML Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a simple, flexible text format The design goals of XML emphasize generality, and usability Reportnet supports the XML format for reporting

Schema Schema is defining the required XML structure to be uploaded in Reportnet Makes it possible to run validation checks on data

Schemas to be used for reporting 7 schemas to be reported in reportnet 1 schema (MSFD4Geo) to be reported on national level 6 schemas to be reported on region level


Thank you! Mette.Wolstrup@atkinsglobal.com atkins_ppt_new-3