Fur Traders New France
Fur Traders How common is it for people to wear clothes made from furs as fashion items today (real fur)? Is wearing fur more or less common today than in the past? Why do you think? What are some advantages of making clothes from furs? What are some disadvantages? What do you know about fur traders?
Coureurs des Bois Coureurs des bois is a French term meaning "runners of the woods," the name given to the Europeans who travelled inland to trade for furs. Lets look at a few things: The picture on page H13 The hats on page H14 The data table on page H14
Fur Traders Questions Use pages H13 – H14 to complete the following questions: 1. Why were there no coureurs des bois before 1663? a) Why did this change? b) Why did the days of the coureurs des Bois come to an end? 2. Use information from the text and painting to list characteristics of the coureurs des bois’ life.
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