The Sales Process #4 Today I am: Taking notes, concentrating, bringing my understanding of selling to a “close”. So I can: Understand what happens in each of the 7 steps of a sale and seeing the process as an entire entity. I’ll know I’m successful when: I understand how selling works and can implement this process into my daily life.
1) Approaching the Customer Three methods of Retail approach Service “Do you need assistance?” Greeting “Good Morning” “Hello” Merchandise (comment on the product) “That shirt is made of 100% cotton.” All three are intended to start a conversation
2) Determining Needs Observing Listening Questioning
3) Presenting the Product Display Demonstrate Involve the customer
4) Overcoming Objections Plan for objections (anticipate them) = Concerns, hesitations or doubts = they represent interest! Point of Emphasis!
5) Closing the Sale ASK FOR THE ORDER! Trial Close Make statements, not yes or no questions Expect objections Hesitations, doubts, concerns Address objections and then Direct Close Which “Which of these two would you like?” Standing Room Only “There is only one left” Direct “How would you like to pay for this?” Service “If you purchase we’ll offer X service free”
6) Suggestion Selling Up selling “A cookie would go great with your meal.”
7) Relationship Building Customer Relationship Management Follow up Maintaining contact Rewards programs “Endless Chain” and Referral sales can result
Assignment You have 2 minutes. Write a statement about one of your five products from lesson #2 intended to close a sale Cannot be a question Must be assumptive and positive Share with elbow partner Share out with class