Energy to Live In order to live animals need energy. Some animals get the energy they need to live from eating plants and other vegetation. Some animals get their energy from eating other animals. Some animals eat both plants and other animals.
Animals that eat plants are called Herbivores.
Animals that eat meat are called Carnivores.
Animals that eat plants and meat are called Omnivores.
Food Chains Food chains show what eats what in order to gain the energy it needs to live. Each link in the chain is food for the next link. Eaten by: Eaten by:
Producers Nearly all food chains start with a green plant. Green plants are called producers because they produce their own food.
Consumers Animals are consumers. Some consume plants to get the energy they need to live. Others consume other animals.
Decomposers Break down dead plants and animals.
Herbivores are primary consumers. Carnivores that eat herbivores are secondary consumers. Carnivores that eat other carnivores are tertiary consumers.