The SUMP Coordinating Group


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Presentation transcript:

The SUMP Coordinating Group Christof Marx, EASME Brussels, 10th November 2016 TOWARDS A NEW CULTURE FOR URBAN MOBILITY

Why & What

The starting point Transport provides vital functions to cities, enabling economic growth and access to jobs At the same time, urban transport still focused on conventionally-fuelled individual car mobility, leading to: Congestion Climate change impact: urban transport accounts for 23% of CO2 emissions from transport Health impact related to ambient air quality (NOx, PM emissions) Road accidents: urban areas still account for 40% of all road fatalities (approx. 11.000 per year)

What the EU does Transport is a shared responsibility between the EU and the Member States The subsidiarity principle applies Urban mobility is essentially a local responsibility; however local authorities should not be left alone That is why there is a long tradition of EU support: Setting the policy framework Offering funding & financing Facilitating the exchange of experience and best practice Raising awareness

The 2013 Urban Mobility Package http://ec. europa Calls for action from the Member States Commits to reinforce EU support Gives help for cities to develop Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans Gives recommendations for coordinated action in: Urban logistics, Urban access regulations, ITS deployment in urban areas, Urban road safety Sets out the concept of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan to support a new approach to mobility planning Commits to setting up a Platform on SUMPs to coordinate EU action and provide a one-stop-shop portal TOWARDS A NEW CULTURE FOR URBAN MOBILITY

A European Platform

A plethora of SUMPs related projects

A plethora of SUMPs related projects For example: Establish National networks in 25 Member States Engage stakeholders Disseminate information Exchange best practice Offer trainings

Platform objectives Support the further development of the SUMP concept and tools Provide interested parties with a "one-stop shop" Realise synergies from coordination and cooperation across the different actions Increase the visibility for EU-supported actions on SUMPs

Platform elements

Platform element: Coordinating Group Project Coordinating Group EC etc. Mobility Plans portal Annual European Conferences Guides, tools, network Secr.

Platform element: Common visual identity

Platform element: Mobility Plans portal

Platform element: Annual Conference 'Planning for a liveable city', Sopot (PL), June 2014 'Sustainable Mobility for Everyone', Bucharest (RO), June 2015 'Planning the efficient city', Bremen (DE), April 2016

Topics of Coordinating Group

Topics of Coordinating Group Overview of activities Cooperation, coordination, promotional opportunities Identify key publications, tools, data, etc. for Platform review / endorsement / exploitation Sounding board - feedback and comments Examples: The SUMP Self-Assessment Tool Poly-SUMP / CH4LLENGE guides SUMP Glossary National ENDURANCE networks SUMP Self-Assessment tool SUMP award Roadmaps software SUMP Training

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