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Presentation transcript:


Scientific Knowledge Science is not a list of facts and information to be memorized! Scientific knowledge grows and changes as new understanding evolves Scientific explanations are based on EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE. Cumulative body of observations of a natural phenomenon

SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE is the result of: Testing and Observation Debate (argumentation) Confirmation (repetition and replication) So, what happens when the majority of the science community agrees on an idea?

CONSENSUS The scientific community tries to reach a CONSENSUS, or general agreement. Through scientific confirmation (repetition & replication) Does NOT mean we “confirm” that we got the right answer!

Science CANNOT Prove Scientific knowledge is TENTATIVE (open to change) Science cannot “prove” an explanation This eliminates the possibility for change Science can “support” a conclusion or theory This is done through scientific CONFIRMATION

SCIENTIFIC THEORIES A scientific THEORY is a heavily-tested and well-supported explanation of a natural phenomenon. A theory is different from a law…it will never become a law, nor is it intended to. LAW – DESCRIBES WHAT happens THEORY – EXPLAINS WHY it happens

Because theories are heavily-tested and well-supported: SCIENTIFIC THEORIES Because theories are heavily-tested and well-supported: Theories are RARELY discarded or abandoned They are continuously tested They are modified or expanded to account for new evidence Theories provide our BEST explanations for natural phenomena

SCIENTIFIC MODELS Representation of an object, idea, or process Scientists often use MODELS as a tool to understand an object or idea. 3-D representation 2-D diagram Physical Analogy Theoretical Analogy or Metaphor

Scientific Models BENEFITS LIMITATIONS Money Safety Opportunity/Convenience Communication LIMITATIONS Can Create Misconceptions Can Introduce Error Often Based on Assumptions

So…What IS Science? SCIENCE is a limited discipline that studies only naturally occurring events, while offering natural explanations for the phenomenon under study. The characteristics of science: - Consistent - Predictable - Observable - Testable Natural - Tentative CONPTT

Science is ONE Tool We have many “tools” we use to understand our lives/world Science is one of these tools, along with art, philosphy, religion, etc… Science is about questioning asking questions, searching for answers, discovering new questions Science is limited in what it can help us understand Just like some tools are useful for some jobs, but not others

What are the Limits of Science? Science Cannot: Answer questions about the supernatural world or understand matters of faith, artistic expression, feeling, etc…(untestable or unobservable, subjective) Science Can: Investigate questions about the NATURAL world and explain observable/testable topics

What are the Limits of Science? Science Cannot: “Prove” an idea Science Can: Provide evidence that supports or disputes an idea and offers a tentative explanation

What are the Limits of Science? Science Cannot: Disregard evidence or assume outcomes without testing Science Can: Offer explanations to make sense of the empirical evidence and predict likely outcomes

Identifying “PSEUDOSCIENCE” PSEUDOSCIENCE refers to areas of study that may make use of scientific concepts but whose conclusions and explanations do not exhibit the characteristics of science (CONPTT). Examples