Household Budget Survey 2006 - 07 Presentation of preliminary results National Bureau of Statistics
Social sector indicators: - demographic, health, education
Demographics Decline on reported average household size (4.9 to 4.8 -to check) Continued rise in female-headed households Increase in proportion of total population and HH heads over 65
Female-headed households
Health Compared with 2000/01: Similar proportions reporting illness in the last four weeks, and similar patterns by area (rural>other urban>Dar) No change in proportions consulting any provider when sick (69%), but Increase in consultation at government facilities (55% to 65%) Increase in proportion satisfied with services in govt facilities, fewer reporting lack of drugs
Consultation with govt providers
Education Compared with 2000/01: Change in overall adult literacy levels (but examine younger age groups) Increase in enrolment rates, both primary and secondary (- though sec still low) Improvements in class attended for age of child (eg 30% of 9 year olds in school in St III, cf 13%)
Net enrolment ratios - primary, lower secondary
Housing, amenities and assets
Housing and household amenities Substantial improvements in use of ‘permanent’ housing materials - in all areas (Dar/OU/rural) No change in proportion without a toilet (7%)* Drinking water: apparent decline in piped water; partly classification changes? *What about a slide for “No change in proportion without a toilet ?”(not important since there is no change?)
House construction materials (%)
Ownership of selected consumer assets ( Ownership of selected consumer assets (*why computer ownership has fallen in Other Urban ,Rural and TZ mainland?) Dar Other Urb Rural Mainland Tanzania 2000/01 2007 Radio / r. cassette 79.6 80.0 71.5 73.3 45.7 62.2 51.9 66.2 Telephone - any 9.8 63.7 2.9 43.3 0.2 14.3 1.2 25.0 Landline NA 2.8 1.9 0.6 1.1 Cellphone 62.8 42.5 13.9 24.5 Television 20.1 37.7 7.0 15.8 1.8 2.6 8.2 Beds 95.2 95.8 93.9 93.4 83.7 89.5 86.0 90.0 Computer* 1.4 3.2 1.5 0.5 0.1 Mosquito nets 92.0 66.3 84.1 27.9 61.3 37.1 68.9 Motor vehicle 5.9 4.4 2.2 0.7 0.3 1.3 Motor cycle 0.9 Bicycle 11.6 15.5 34.3 35.9 38.4 45.4 36.0 40.5
Drinking water supply (%) (shading needed to differentiate between piped water and other protected source)
Households’ cooking energy
Electricity (*Both for heading and vertical column, it should be percentage and not percent. Why the number of HHs with electricity grid decreasing ?)
Household productive activities and banking
Household productive activities Main activity of adults: - decline in farming - rise employment and self-employment - issue of comparability of questions (to check)
Household banking and finance Since 2000/01, modest increases in households with at least one member: - having a bank account, (but large drop 91-01) - taking a bank loan , - participating in informal (and formal) savings groups Overall levels still low and more concentrated in urban areas
Household banking and saving (% HHs with at least one member with…)
Consumption and Consumption Poverty
Dar es Salaam Other urban Rural Total 21,183 14,131 8,452 9,972 21,388 Total adjusted for prices using Fisher of 1.93 Dar es Salaam Other urban Rural Total 2000 21,183 14,131 8,452 9,972 2007 21,388 14,041 8,507 10,512
Poverty Line 2000/01 poverty line inflated using Fisher index 2000/01 2007 Food 5,295 10,219 Basic Needs 7,253 13,998
Incidence of poverty - headcount Year Dar Urban Rural Total Food 1991 13.6 15.0 23.1 21.6 2001 7.5 13.2 20.4 18.7 2007 6.7 12.9 18.4 16.5 Basic 28.1 28.7 40.8 38.6 17.6 25.8 38.7 35.7 16.2 24.1 37.4 33.3
Next steps The main report is being finalised and expected to be out during the second week of November 2008 before the GBS