Title I Annual Parent Meeting 2017-2018 North Murray High School
Title I It is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child. The program serves millions of children in elementary and secondary schools each year. Title I also serves children who attend parochial and private schools. Title I seeks to provide supplemental support to those students that are the furthest from meeting the standards the state has set for all children.
How Title I works. The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I. The state educational agencies send the money to local school systems. The local school systems identify eligible schools and provide Title I resources. NMHS is a Title I school. Our greatest areas of need are English and Math. Schools work to identify students most in need of educational help. Students do not have to be from low-income families to receive help. The schools set goals for improvement, measure student progress, using standards set forth in the state’s Title I plan, develop programs that add to regular classroom instruction, and involve parents in all aspects of the program.
Title I plan development • Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment • Identify and commit to specific goals and strategies that address those needs • Create a comprehensive plan • Conduct an annual review of the effectiveness of the school-wide program and revise the plan annually or as necessary.
School-Parent Compact The agreement that states: -NMHS Mission -NMHS Goals -School Responsibilities -Parent Responsibilities -Student Responsibilities All parties involved sign the agreement.
School Improvement Plan North Murray’s Leadership Team collaborated to identify the 2 major “Overarching Needs.” Improving Teacher Clarity: Make learning intentions clear to the students. Formative Assessment: Help us determine what area each individual student needs to improve on.
What you can do as a parent Talk with your child about academic progress. Provide Encouragement to stay on track for graduation. Use Parent Portal regularly to check your child's academic progress.
NMHS Parental Involvement Opportunities Title I program: School-Parent Compact Parent Involvement Plan Title I Parent Meeting Open House FAFSA Completion Day MOWR Parent Night College/Technical School visits Senior Awards night Underclassmen Awards Night 11th grade Parent Night GA Apply to College
How NMHS Title I money is spent. Schoolwide Assessment Program (PowerSchool) to monitor Student Growth APEX credit recovery courses Technology needs School Paper and Supplies By taking an active role in Title I, you’ll show your child: How important he or she is to you How important education is to you That you and the school are a team Speak up if you notice any problems – But, don’t criticize the school or a teacher in front of your child.
Title I Information northmurray.murray.k12.ga.us Title I Title I Contact Info School-wide Plan Parents right to Know School Designation Parent Involvement Plan Parent Student Teacher Compact Complaint Procedure
Contact Information Questions or Comments Roger Rainey roger.rainey@murray.k12.ga.us or 706.695.7760 Or, your site’s Family Engagement Liaison.