Paper by the IHB Information Paper on the Governance and Administrative Arrangements for the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Project (paper IRCC7-INF 13C)
GEBCO Project Financial problems promotional materials, outstanding travel expenses, … overcome using IHO funds Issues arising custody and management of funds payment of expenses for IOC representatives annual bursary for secretary/treasurer reporting and accountability diminishing involvement of IOC
History 1899 Original GEBCO concept 1903 Project started 1929 Transferred to IHO (then IHB) 1974 Co-sponsored by IHO and IOC 2005, 2007 IOC funding reduced progressively 2010 IOC funding stopped 2010 Reduced profile in IOC programme 2015 No profile in IOC programme
Other issues for consideration … IOC representatives, in effect, self selecting IOC MS involvement reduced to approving ToRs administrative delays political interference Ongoing limited accountability to IHO and IOC no published record of 2014 meeting of GGC no WP and budget for 2015 no proposed WP and budget for 2016
Recent developments Transfer of all GEBCO funds to IHB IHB now, in effect, Treasurer IOC Executive Secretary to initiate review of IOC involvement in GEBCO Project
Proposed action by IRCC IRCC may wish to 1. take note of the concerns of the directing committee, and 2. instruct IHB and GGC to provide further updates to IRCC-8