Request for Proposals (RFP) Implementation Planning Strategic Technology Milestones 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Step 1 Stabilize Business Continuity Lift & Shift Project Strategic Tech Plan Go Forward Study Requirements Functional Technical Efficiency Request for Proposals (RFP) Step 2 - ERP Principles Readiness Assessment Implementation Planning May 5, 2011 Governor Signs 2HB1909 ERP Funding The ERP Project naming contest had more than 700 entries. The selection committee selected ctcLink. It represents linking people with services and information. The contest winner was Aaron Parrott, Secretary Senior with the Adult Basic Skills program at Wenatchee Valley College. He won a $250 prize donated by the Trustees Association for Community and Technical Colleges. June 2, 2008 Rehosting Project was Stopped July 1, 2008 SBCTC Assumed System IT Responsibility 2012 Legislative Session $50M COP Approval July 2011 ctcLink Formally Named
Strategic Technology Milestones 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Step 2 Implement Modern Systems ctcLink Project ctcLink Contract Negotiation Gobal Design Build FirstLink Pilots TCC & CCS College Implementation Waves September 10, 2012 Apparent Successful Vendors Announced Executive Sponsorship Matters Knowing the Requirements Implementing too much at one time Lack of Adoption ISB Delegated Authority October 30, 2012 Began Vendor Negotiation January 18, 2013 Contract Signed with Ciber March 2013 COP Bond Sale