The European Parliament shares its Terminology with the citizens DGTRAD TermCoord Rodolfo Maslias, Vilnius 3 June 2016 Powerpoint Templates
Content Interinstitutional communication and cooperation Networking and academic cooperation Terminology in the field of migration
Interinstitutional communication and cooperation
EurTerm On initiative of TermCoord, the IATE Management Group created an interinstitutional terminology portal accessible to all officials of the EU Institutions via their ECAS account. It is managed in close and permanent cooperation between all Institutions coordinated by a web editor and has the double objective to share terminology resources and to serve as collaborative space for terminology
EU interinstitutional terminology portal
Collaborative Platform
Sharing terminology projects
Language Wikis on EurTerm
Networking and academic cooperation
Terminology Toolbox
Working with international terminology networks and organisations
Hosting important events TOTh Workshop 12/2015 BabelNet 03/2016 European Terminology Summit 11/2016
EP projects with universities for IATE
IATE Projects with Universities TermCoord inserts the glossaries in IATE Signing an agreement with DG TRAD EP-TermCoord The terms are validated in Translation Units Common choice of domain TermCoord provides the material and instructions The projects are published in Universities submit their lists of terms Universities prepare an action plan Students work under the supervision of Professors
Social Media
Terminology in the field of migration
Migration Projects of the EU Institutions EP – A European Agenda on Migration – own initiative report of the EP – 2 batches of about 20 concepts each, extracted from COM and EP texts – 3rd batch is under preparation COM – 2 language-specific projects for HU and FI Council – 50 concepts under consolidation and update – launched end of 2015 Dedicated page created on EurTerm to facilitate overview and cooperation on these projects Several proactive projects launched at different institutions for the purposes of upcoming translations to the topic The EurTerm page contains project lists, related documents and other useful information – serves also for communication on the topic
Greetings from Luxembourg! Thank you for your attention! Greetings from Luxembourg!