Mutations And Genetic Disorders


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Presentation transcript:

Mutations And Genetic Disorders

Mutations Happens when a DNA gene is damaged or changed so that the message that is carried by the gene is not the same Mutagen- something that can cause the change in the DNA

Mutagens Chemical exposure- can cause a base pair to mismatch Radiation- can cause breaks in the DNA Sunlight- Skin cancer Spontaneous- mutations can happen without being exposed to any obvious mutagen

Types of Mutations Chromosomal Mutation- where an entire chromosome is missing or added in as an extra DNA Mutation- a section of the DNA is changed Insertion- adding extra info Deletion- having some left out

Genetic Diseases Down Syndrome- extra chromosome 21 Klinefelter Syndrome-People with a XXY karyotype are males with an extra X chromosome. Turner Syndrome- a female with only 1 x chromosome

Karyotype Some of the diseases and abnormalities associated with chromosome number and structure can be detected by a test called a karyotype. To create a karyotype, chromosomes are isolated and then stained and photographed.

Your Turn Look up 2 genetic disorders using your phone Write down how it is caused and what symptoms the genetic disorder has You will be presenting these tomorrow