UBT Path to Performance Report Unit-Based Team Update: UBT Path to Performance Report July 2011
UBTs’ Developmental Status and Goals The 2010 National Agreement commits the organization to double the number of high-performing (Level 4 and 5) UBTs in 2011. At the end of 2010, the number of Level 4 and 5 teams was 329. This means that the year-end 2011 target for high performing teams is 658. The number of high performing teams as of June 1, 2011 was 519. 11,000 employees in 329 high-performing teams Total number of UBTs at all levels of performance: 3,485 as of June 2011
Developmental Status of Teams by Region Team status across regions is variable Variation in number and percentage of high-performing (Level 4 and 5) teams across regions. Regions with low numbers of high performing-teams are planning more aggressive goals than the national target (i.e. more than doubling their high performing teams).
Improved? By how much? 764 UBTs, or 23% of all teams, advanced to higher rankings from Q1 to Q2 2011. 236 teams, 7% of all teams, moved down. Of teams that moved up, two-thirds improved by 1 level of performance; one-third of teams advanced two or more levels. 7 (1%) 49 (6%) UBT levels of improvement: 202 (27%) 506 (66%)
As Teams Progress, Their Vision Broadens Source: UBT Tracker Note: Calculations exclude UBTs from the Northwest because the region is not yet recording projects in UBT Tracker. 4 4
UBT Centers of Excellence Program- wide Average = 15% Source: UBT Tracker