Speaking Tips Practice, Practice, Practice and deliver your presentation with power, poise and elegance. Engage and inspire your audience, give them something to talk about when they leave. Storytelling captivates your audience and help them remember the value you are providing. Think Positive and don’t let your nerves manipulate your mind.
Important Information Download the RIMS Mobile App (Instructions) WiFi Password: Education Program is by day and time Complete session evaluation by clicking on rate in the session details If you’re tweeting use # Social Media Walk-in slides
SESSION TITLE (Arial 28pt Bold) (Imperative you use the copy edited title) Speakers: (Arial 18pt Bold) First Name Last Name, Title, Company (Arial 15pt, not bold) First Name Last Name, Title Company (Arial 15pt, not bold) YOU MUST FOLLOW FORMAT FOR CONSISTENCY.
Learning Objectives(Arial 44pt bold) At the end of this session, you will: (list key learning objectives and takeaways that attendees will learn) Learning Objective 1 (Arial 20pt, bold) Sub bullet point (Ariel 16pt, not bold) Learning Objective 2 (Arial 20pt, bold) Learning Objective 3 (Arial 20pt, bold) Sub bullet point (Arial 16pt, not bold) YOUR PRESENTATION MUST INCLUDE THIS SLIDE.
Action Required! Your presentation and handouts are due Friday, April 12 Upload completed PPT to Freeman Site (provide link and instructions)
Header & Reminders (Arial 44pt bold) Main Bullet points (Arial 20pt, bold) Sub bullet point (Arial 16pt, not bold) Do not clutter your slide (Arial 20pt, bold) Less is more (Arial 16pt, not bold) Graphs and video clips are encouraged (Arial 20pt, bold) The meeting room will have Wi-Fi (Arial 16pt, not bold) No sales pitches (Arial 20pt, bold) If your session is reported to management as selling your service or company, you will prohibited from speaking at a future RIMS event (Ariel 16pt, not bold) Speaker Center Room 122A (Arial 20pt, bold) Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. All speakers MUST report to this room to pick up name badges and review presentations with the audio-visual technician at least 4 hours before the session begins. YOU MUST FOLLOW FORMAT FOR CONSISTENCY.
Header & Reminders (Arial 44pt bold) Main Bullet points (Arial 20pt, bold) Sub bullet point (Arial 16pt, not bold) . YOU MUST FOLLOW FORMAT FOR CONSISTENCY.
Reminder Complete Evaluation Rating in the RIMS Mobile App. Find the session and click on “Rate”. Your feedback is very important to determine the success and help make improvements. Enjoy your next session.