Full name : Yeserkenova Saule Tlepzhanovna Education: Higher Aktobe Pedagogical Institute Category: I Experience: 23 The theme of the lesson British Holidays
Full name : Yeserkenova Saule Tlepzhanovna Education: Higher Aktobe Pedagogical Institute Category: I Experience: 23 The using technology: ICT, Critical thinking The subject of methodical work: “Developing of speaking through the method of Critical Thinking ” Start: 2012 Finish: 2015 The expecting results: will raise of level of motivation and training
The aids The aims Expecting results the lesson The theme of the lesson: British Holidays The aids The aims Plan of Expecting results the lesson
The aim: The objectives -to develop the students’ abilities in speaking on the theme “Holidays” The objectives to create a nice physiological climate in the class through the group work to develop critical thinking through the creative tasks to enrich students knowledge about British holidays to develop communicative skills in speaking, reading and writing to bring up the feeling of respect to traditions of other countries
Expecting results Students will enrich students get the habits their vocabulary and can say their opinions students get the habits of critical thinking students get the communicative habits
Aids The 4. Audio CD Placards 3.Cards - posters 2. Video 5. Interactive board
Realization of meaning The Plan of the Lesson Evocation Realization of meaning Introducing the theme Video Project work Brainstorming Six Thinking Hats Group work Reflection Relaxation Test Cinquain
Choose a holiday to the picture
Brainstorming Questions - What kind of holidays do you know? “So many countries so many customs.“ Should we know the customs and holidays of other countries? What for? Discussing the proverb Questions - What kind of holidays do you know? - Why do the English call public holidays as bank holidays? - What British holidays do you know? - What is your family favorite holiday? - How do you celebrate it?
What holidays are the sentences about? 1.In London people gather to celebrate this holiday in Trafalgar Square. 2.People make up lamps out of pumpkins. 3.This holiday means spring, new life after winter, flowers, green trees. 4.On this day everyone opens presents and sits down to the table to have a big dinner. 5.On this day people send a special greeting card to those who they love.
Write down the holidays go to church Guy Fawkes’ Night to watch fireworks Easter go to bed after midnight Halloween to give roses Christmas dress up as the witches St. Valentine’ s Day chocolate eggs to blow up the Houses of Parliament hang stockings near the fireplace hug and kiss each other
Name the words to the holidays New Year Guy Fawkes’ Night St. Valentine’s Day Easter Halloween Christmas
Put the necessary words in the sentences 1.People buy presents for their … on St. Valentine’s Day. 2.Easter Sunday is the day when Christians … Christ’s return to life. 3.Celebrating Halloween is a very old … 4.Families … their homes and Christmas trees on Christmas. 5.People … each other “Happy New Year”. 6.Today people … beautiful fireworks on Guy Fawkes’ Night.
Video film “An English Christmas”
Making up the project
Six Thinking Hats
Realization of the meaning I. Watch the video II. Project work III. Six Thinking Hats
Reflection Cinquain Lexical test “holiday” A noun Two adjectives Three verbs The phrase The sentence Relaxation A Song
At this lesson we… I have learned… I have found out… Now I can…
HOMEWORK The most favourite British holidays are….They are celebrated on….During these holidays people like to….The history of these holidays dates back to…. Most of all I would like to go to Britain when people celebrate…because….
Conclusion What should I work for next time over … What children have learnt to … -The students know the lexical material -They can speak, discuss and share their opinions on the theme -They can communicate, listen each other and work together in group Pay more attention to the weak pupils Make up the dialogues