Project #6: Character Combination Choose two characters from any of the following musical films: West Side Story Les Miserables Phantom of the Opera Rent Dreamgirls 2. Create a new character for a Broadway musical by combining traits of the two characters you have selected. Write the names of the characters down on the back of your project. Create a character sketch on a sheet of paper. Color illustration or collage of found images (you must print them at home if you do this) You can draw the character and/or items related to the character - clothing, costumes, possessions, accessories, etc. Physical traits description - tell me exactly what this character looks like from head to toe At least one paragraph Outfit(s) description - what kind of costumes will the character wear? Personality description - what kind of person is this character? Good and bad qualities? Ambitions, dreams, and motivations - what makes this character ‘tick’? What goals does this character have? How will the character try to accomplish these goals?