WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! We meet the second Wednesday of every month in the PFHS auditorium at 4 pm If you miss it, read minutes online and complete Monthly Meeting Form (online and on bulletin board) Our bulletin board is in the stairwell between science and English hallways Monthly Meeting Forms for absent members due Friday by 4 after the meeting Five hours due by March for new members (March 8 meeting) Ten hours due for everyone by Wednesday, June 7
Check website for additional details requirements Must have three (3) NHS sponsored events- these events cannot be used for another club Check website for additional details Important info also on handout and hour log Your parents cannot sign hour logs!
Veteran members: DUES ARE DUE TODAY! If you have problems paying, please let me know. Payment plans work. Dues for new members due by March meeting Covers shirt, stoles, initiation costs
Volunteer opportunities Jan. 17 Homework Club Event w/ LINK Crew Homework club meets weekly 4-5 Teacher appreciation breakfast coming up in February Looking for fundraiser ideas Counseling website also has excellent volunteer opportunities!
Miscellaneous T shirt designs? Remind info: Text @11c703 to 81010