1st 6 Weeks Vocab Review Adaptations
Adaptation And characteristic or trait that helps an organism survive in its environment such as spines on a cactus or talons on an eagle.
Diverse Having a variety of many different types.
Niche The role, function, or job an organism has in its environment. (A frog’s niche is to reproduce, eat, and be eaten.)
Reproduction The act of making something new.
Camouflage Characteristic that blends in with the surrounding environment and increases chance of survival.
Mimicry The resemblance of an organism to another organism that gives it a better chance of survival.
Migration The seasonal movement of animals from one place to another.
Hibernation When an animal becomes still in an enclosed space and reduces bodily functions to save energy.
Competition Struggle to survive.
Survive To stay alive!
Perish Die
Thrive Grow strong and multiply (doing well)