Discretionary Management Service – January 2018 Portfolio Performance Your financial affairs in a safe pair of hands The Offering The NLPFM Discretionary Management Service offers a number of different portfolios to clients. The needs of each client are considered independently and different portfolios are selected based on suitability and approach to risk after a discussion directly with the client. The philosophy of NLPFM is that irrespective of which standard portfolio or specially tailored portfolio is used, clients can be assured that their money is looked after with their interests at heart. The Month in Review January was a mixed start to the year for risk assets with most major indices rallying well for the most part before seeing a pullback towards the end of the month. Asia and Emerging Markets were once again the stand-out performers whilst the US and Europe posted solid gains. The UK was a big laggard as it ended the month firmly in negative territory, largely driven by an increasing Sterling which will impact companies overseas earnings. The Bond market endured a much tougher month with all the major benchmarks losing money in Sterling terms. Property once again had a steady month and posted another healthy return. Our Alternative holdings were flat for the month. The MSCI UK Index ended the month down -1.98% whilst the AFI Index was down -0.07%. All of our portfolios outperformed these benchmarks and we continue to deliver superior risk adjusted returns. Performance & Volatility (%) Inception Date 1 Month Returns YTD Returns 1 Year Returns 5 Years Returns 10 Years Returns Volatility Since January 2013 Returns since January 2008 Volatility Since January 2008 NLPFM Defensive Jan 2013 0.18 8.15 40.76 N/A 3.87 NLPFM Cautious Jan 2008 0.19 8.91 46.54 89.63 4.69 82.70 7.17 NLPFM Balanced 0.11 9.71 51.05 94.41 5.13 86.03 7.81 NLPFM Progressive 0.16 10.99 56.48 107.87 5.73 97.33 8.59 NLPFM Adventurous 12.17 62.54 6.91 MSCI UK Index -1.98 10.06 42.60 84.43 10.08 68.18 14.05 AFI Balanced Index -0.07 10.68 45.69 85.46 6.03 73.09 9.87 NLP Financial Management Ltd 2nd Floor, Charles House 108-110 Finchley Road London NW3 5JJ www.nlpfm.co.uk Tel 020 7472 5554 NLP Financial Management Limited does not accept liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may have occurred in the collection and recording of this data and will provide extra detail on data or graphs used in this note upon request. The above figures are indicative of the returns for the portfolios on a particular day, however not all portfolios are valued on the same day and variations may occur. Past performance is not a guide to the future. NLP Financial Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Discretionary Management Service relative performance January 2008 to January 2018 The graphs below show the performance and volatility of our DMS portfolios against the MSCI UK Index and the AFI Balanced Index. This is a marketing communication, intended for information only and should not be construed as an invitation or offer to buy and sell any investment vehicle, instrument or service. This information is based on historic data collected by NLP Financial Management Limited using Financial Express Analytics and presented here in gross form before fees and taxes. The effect of these fees should be considered as they will create a drag on performance. Past performance is not a guide to the future. Changes in rates of exchange may also cause the value of investments to go up or down.