Cross - Border Student Mobility for High Quality Education Guergana Guermanoff Education Counsellor New Zealand Embassy BEIJING 12 March 2010 2019年1月
Summary High Quality Education The education environment Quality Assurance Flexibility of Qualifications Safety Cross Border Mobility Student visa policies Mobility of qualifications Innovation Institutional Partnerships Two-Way Mobility Abel Tasman
New Zealand’s Education Environment A world leading education system that equips all New Zealanders with the knowledge, skills and values to be successful citizens in the 21st century.
Government education expenditure Around $1.1 billion on early childhood education, $5.1 billion primary and secondary education, $2.4 billion funding to tertiary providers and $388 million for skills and training programmes Total investment 6% of GDP Education is 19% of total government spending – comparatively high by international standards (cf US 15.5%).
Student statistics 198,784 enrolments at 4,649 early childhood education services 480,609 enrolments at 2,034 primary schools and 279,297 enrolments at 336 secondary schools 484,000 enrolments in formal tertiary education at universities, institutes of technology and polytechnics, private training establishments and other providers 186,000 in industry training
Assessment Performance of the education system monitored through participation in international studies: TIMSS, PISA, PIRLS.
Quality Assurance of Education: The New Zealand approach Quality Assurance of Institutions and Courses National Qualifications Framework Top Quality Educational Outcomes Integrated and Cohesive Qualifications and Quality Assurance System
Flexibility of Qualifications: The National Qualifications Framework A system of national qualifications 800 different qualifications Nationally recognised standards and qualifications Recognition and credit for a wide range of knowledge and skills.
National Qualifications Framework Guiding Principles: all learning achievement should be recognised; clear learning and career pathways; relevant and flexible learning; access to learning and portability of recognition; quality assured provision and assessment. Result: A nation of skilled New Zealanders equipped and committed to lifelong learning.
New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NQF)
Safety: Quality Assurance of International Education
International Students Safety The Three Insurances Insurance 1 – visas only for study with Government registered schools Insurance 2 – appeal processes if students dissatisfied Insurance 3 – students fees safeguarded by Government
The New Zealand Government International Education Strategy International students are enriched by their education and living experiences in New Zealand.
Cross Border Mobility
New Zealand’s Student Visa Policies Accessible Information and Contact Immigration NZ website (English and Chinese) Regular contact with education agents, including agent training seminars Transparent Process Web based information, including application forms and criteria If declined official letter outlines the reasons for declining the visa an option to appeal the decision
New Zealand’s Student Visa Policies Timely Response in Visa Processing Branch 0-15 days 16 -30 days 31-60 days 60-90 days Beijing 80% 100% N/A Shanghai 81% 97% Stability and Continuity in Student Visa Policy Direction 87% approval rate for student visa applications
Mobility of Qualifications Wide International Recognition of New Zealand Qualifications The Lisbon Convention In July 2007, New Zealand joined the Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Area. NZ Ireland Joint Project on Mutual Recognition of Qualifications Report findings to be presented at International Frameworks Convention in Ireland, 15 April 2010
NZ China: Quality Assurance Collaboration NZ - China Education Quality Assurance Workshop, Nov 2006 China Education Vice Minister Zhang Xinsheng giving opening speech NZ Secretary for Education Karen Sewell giving opening speech
NZ China: Quality Assurance Collaboration NZ Qualifications Authority and the China Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange Cooperation Arrangement 2006 verification work March 2008 visit to NZ NZQA and CSCSE cooperation arrangement signing ceremony, Nov 2006
NZ China: Quality Assurance Collaboration NZ Qualifications Authority and China Degrees&Graduate Eduaction Development Centre Collaboration Arrangement 2007 April 2008 visit to NZ Collaborative research Benchmarking higher education qualifications (particular PhD focus) National Qualifications Framework NZQA and CDGDC collaboration arrangement signing ceremony, 2007
NZ China Qualifications Recognition Government level Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Higher Education Degrees NZ China Joint Working Group on Vocational Qualifications mapping of NZ and China vocational education qualifications identifying possibilities for mutual recognition of professional and vocational qualifications exploring potential for recognition of professional licensing
Innovation in Education Partnerships Institutional Partnerships Academic linkages Jointly taught programmes Joint degrees Two-Way Mobility Reciprocal Scholarships Complimentary “stepping-stones” study path
New Zealand China Doctoral Research Scholarship NZ China Free Trade Agreement signed April 2008 NZ China Reciprocal Doctoral Research Scholarship programme 10 Chinese students per year for 3-years PhD research in NZ 10 NZ students per year for 3-year PhD research in China Fully comprehensive scholarship
Working Holiday Scheme
Working Holiday Scheme NZ China Free Trade Agreement Launched 1 October 2008 Scheme open on 1 October each year 1,000 places available 18-30 years old Work Holiday Study In New Zealand for 12 months
Cross - Border Student Mobility for High Quality Education The education environment Quality Assurance Flexibility of Qualifications Safety Cross Border Mobility Student visa policies Mobility of qualifications Innovation Institutional Partnerships Two-Way Mobility
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