Chapter 8 Gift for the Darkness Lord of the Flies Chapter 8 Gift for the Darkness
True anarchy has arrived on the island. Jack has effectively split the group into two factions: fire makers and fire takers. The beast has finally taken physical form: the pig’s head a.k.a. The Lord of the Flies (flies gather around decay– think about how this might be symbolic of what is happening on the island and in the wider world).
The Lord of the Flies Beelzebub, another name for the Devil (think about the religious allegory– beast as symbolic of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, and remember that the serpent was really the Devil is disguise). The Lord of the Flies as the Pig’s Head is also a symbol of anarchy (lawlessness).
Temptation The power of Ralph’s faction is weakening. All of the boys who follow him are tempted by meat. Ralph himself is forgetting why they must keep the fire going, and he is getting worse at communicating the fire’s importance.
Fire and Power Fire in Jack’s hands is no longer a symbol of responsibility. Now fire is a symbol of authority, like the conch used to be. The power of the conch no longer exists in Jack’s eyes.
Jack’s Evolving Character Jack represents anarchy (lawlessness). Jack rules with authoritarian power. He controls his followers by a combination of fear, orders, and a promise of gratification. He is Chief with a capital C. He even creates special rites to cement his authority (“The Chief has spoken.”).
Simon sees the truth. Simon understands the nature of the beast. Simon’s conversation with the beast is really an imaginary conversation inside himself, which is where the beast really is (the beast is within everyone). Simon imagines that he falls into the mouth of the beast as he begins to have a seizure.
Savagery and Disguise Roger’s cruelty is apparent again in his savage torture of the pig before they kill it. Jack is truly transformed into a savage when he attacks Ralph’s camp with his face painted. Jack dances, disguised by paint, naked and uninhibited, in front of Ralph. Jack and his followers have truly lost all connection with civilization– but Ralph and his followers may not be far behind!