Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group (1/3) November 2011 Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group (1/3) Meeting was called to order at 1.30pm on November 8 and finished at November 10 on 6pm. Number of meetings: 4 Total number of attendees 20 Six presentations have been made Presentations on Tuesday PM1 Contribution #1 Al Gasiewski, University of Boulder (USA), “Remote Sensing Applications of THz bands”; (Document 15-11-0765-00-0thz) Contribution #2 Lothar Moeller, Alcatel Lucent (USA), “Data transmission at 2.5 Gb/s with THz and IR Signals through Fog”; (Document 15-11-0777-00-0thz) Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig
Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group (2/3) November 2011 Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group (2/3) Presentations on Tuesday PM2 Contribution #3 Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig (Germany), “Scenarios for the Application of THz Communications”; (Document 15-11-0749-00-0thz) Contribution #4 Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig (Germany), “Call for Applications”; (Document 15-11-0779-00-0thz) Contribution #5 Rick Roberts, Intel (USA), “THz IG Technical Expectations Document (TED)”; (Document 15-11-0745-02-0thz) Presentation on Thursday PM1 Contribution #6 Josep Miquel Jornet Montana, Georgia Tech (USA), “Joint Energy and Communication Analysis of Wireless Nanosensor Networks in the Terahertz Band”; (Document 15-11-0778-00-0thz) Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig
Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group (3/3) November 2011 Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group (3/3) Work on the „Technical Expectation Document (TED)“ Several Use cases identified => may yield to different standards Current Version (15-11-0745-04-0thz) on SA documents: Further development of the TED at March 2012 Plenary based on input documents A “Call for Applications“ has been drafted more descriptive text to describe both THz communication, its potential use and the required steps in IEEE 802 standardization for the greater pubic is required. Corresponding paragraphs will be drafted within the next two weeks. Final document content to be agreed on a follow-up Conference Call Web Page has been updated and is online Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig